Saturday, February 15, 2025

Khalwale, Oparanya rivalry force Cord rally postponement

Khalwale, Oparanya rivalry force Cord rally postponement
Khalwale, Oparanya rivalry force Cord rally postponement

CORD has postponed by two weeks its planned rally to Kakamega over what sources say is the fierce rivalry between Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and Senator Bonny Khalwale.

Opposition co-principals Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetang’ula will pitch tent in Bungoma today to rally Western Kenya against the Kenyan-Uganda sugar deal.

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Khalwale has declared that he will run against Oparanya, Raila’s deputy in ODM, putting the Orange party leader in a dilemma over whom to support.

The Kakamega rally is now scheduled for September 11.

The details emerged as Amani National Congress leader Musalia Mudavadi said he will hold meetings with leaders in Kakakemga county on the sugar issue beginning tomorrow.

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Mudavadi will also use the opportunity to popularise his new ANC Party.

“On Saturday, the ANC leader will meet 200 ANC Kakamega county grassroots officials to inaugurate county interim officials and later hold consultations with opinion leaders from the Butere-Mumias sugar belt in Matungu,” Mudavadi’s spokesman Kibisu Kabatesi said yesterday.

“On Sunday, Mudavadi will be at a church service in Musingu before attending the funeral of Soita Shitanda’s brother in Malava and later meet Kakamega MCAs.”

The Cord brigade will today hold a mini rally at Bungoma bus park, Kanduyi shopping centre and later “a major public rally at Bukembe”.

“The consequences of the deal [sugar deal] are grave to the country’s sugarcane farmer and the local industry, which will effectively collapse and millions of Kenyans lose their livelihoods,” ODM said in a statement yesterday.

The sugar deal, which has snowballed into a campaign agenda, is seen as a public ralations disaster for the ruling Jubilee.

Three days ago, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development secretary general Mukhisa Kituyi says Uganda has no sugar for export.

Khalwale, Oparanya rivalry force Cord rally postponement

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