Friday, July 26, 2024

Sonko, Mwahima Declare War on Woman Rep Mishi

Sonko, Mwahima Declare War on Woman Rep Mishi
Sonko, Mwahima Declare War on Woman Rep Mishi

The Saturday clash between Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko and Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho could lead to more political duels on the island.

On Tuesday, Sonko and Likoni MP Masoud Mwahima hit back at Mombasa Woman Representative Mishi Mboko over what they termed as lack of respect for the President.

Mr Sonko vowed to pitch tent in Likoni or use his connections to campaign against the Woman Representative in next yearโ€™s General Election.

Speaking at Likoni CDF offices Mr Mwahima repeated his earlier announcement that he would defend the Likoni Parliamentary seat on a JAP ticket next year.

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โ€œThe President and the presidency must be respected by all. It was a show shameful to see people talking to the President in such a disrespectful manner at Shikaadabu on Saturdayโ€, said Mwahima.

He was referring to Governor Johoโ€™s complaint to the president that he, Joho, had been locked out of the Presidentโ€™s itinerary in Mombasa after which Sonko told him off only for Mishi to support Johoโ€™s sentiments.

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โ€œI will not be with ODM in 2017 and I am warning my opponents that I will defeat them properโ€, said the MP adding that his support for the President was in appreciation of the โ€˜good things he had done for Likoni people including solving the decades-old Waitiki Farm problem.โ€

Mr Sonko took advantage of the meeting to challenge Ms Mboko for what he called lack of respect for the Head of State.

โ€œFrom today, I will camp in Likoni to make sure that Mishi does not win any seat here or in Mombasa Countyโ€™, he said.

The Senator regretted last Saturdayโ€™s incident but promised not to take the insults โ€œhands downโ€.


He warned Ms Mboko not to drag the name of his late father into politics or land issues.

He was referring to the Woman Repโ€™s comment that Mr Sonkoโ€™s father could have been involved in land controversies.

Mr Sonko announced that he had given Sh2 million towards a funds drive for Likoni women to be organized soon.

Mr Mwahima pledged Sh1 million towards the same project.

Elsewhere, a candidate for the Malindi parliamentary by-election, Mr Rashid Odhiambo, says the party could lose the seat if the primaries slated for Saturday are not handled carefully.

Speaking to the press in Mombasa on Wednesday, the aspirant urged the party leadership to have stringent measures for ensuring free and fair nominations so as to retain the seat left vacant by Dan Kazunguโ€™s appointment to the Cabinet.

โ€œWe want to warn Orange House not to influence the upcoming party nominations if they want to clinch the seat.

Sonko, Mwahima declare war on woman rep Mishi

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