Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Don’t stop Seeking God Just Because You Found Him.

Don't stop Seeking God Just Because You Found Him.
Don’t stop Seeking God Just Because You Found Him.

The number one reason why we stop seeking God when we have found him is because we convince ourselves that we do not need him as much as we needed him then. As believers we face a danger in our walk with the Lord when we stop seeking him just because we once found him.

The feeling of Knowing God and knowing about God enough can be accompanied by being comfortable in the spirit without realizing that we are slowly loosing what we first passionately sought after and hungered for.

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In this place of complacency, we go through life half warm and half cold towards the things of God. There was a time in life where being in church on a Sunday morning or Saturday morning and mid-week bible study was your first and highest priority

, it was something you did with no effort at all because you believed that that was the only way and the only right thing to do. There was a time when prayer and fasting was something you did without struggle, you then came to a place where God seemed to have answered your prayers and therefore your passion for him and hungering after him has ceased in your life.

You are in a place where you are losing interest in the deep things of God.
You once had an unbridled zeal but somewhere down the road the passion has faded. When your love for him grows cold, you will find that the scriptures that once moved you do not have the same effect any more.

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The worship and praise songs that drew you to his presence on your knees have no effect. The pain in other people lives that caused you to go to your prayer closet to pray, do not move you anymore.

The burden to pray for others to know him or get delivered from sin does not exist in your life anymore. The things that you once hated because they did not stand for Godliness and righteousness slowly become acceptable and do not bother you, anymore.

You now explain your situation as being more enlightened and more open minded, or you call it thinking out of the box. All these statements are indications of a danger of lurk warmness and sign that you are slowly losing your fire, and embracing the false hood.

Many people have walked away from their faith in God because what they have gone through. Tough circumstances painful moments where you felt like God did not care about you.

It might be due to life’s difficulties and disappointments that has caused you to lose some or all of our passion. Sometimes it can be the passing of time that caused your love for God to become routine and less passionate.

If your faith has become routine and you’ve lost your passion, don’t listen to the lie of the enemy to give up on God. It is time to back to the faith that has brought you this far. Our God is a God of our come backs, he passionately been chasing you for intimacy with him. Beckoning you get closer to him, he loved you and wants you back on fire for him.

You can change your spiritual condition today. Don’t live another day of dull, routine, passionless Christianity.
Remember the passion you had for seeking  the Lord when you first gave your life to him, the excitement and the enthusiasm you felt, the boldness you had and the confidence you had in him.
When we stop seeking God we are caught unawares spiritually.

How is your passion lately, is your life filled

with purpose and excitement or you  are going through the motions of life? If you have lost your lost your passion to seeking him ask the Lord for forgiveness, repent do not walk around in denial about your situation.

Going through religious motions without repentance will blind you to your own condition. God wants to restore your fire and excitement for him.

Take action and start pursuing God and he will meet you, he says draw close to god and he will draw near to you. Decide today that nothing will keep you from recovering and experiencing increase in your passion for God.

We wish you a blessed and successful week as you consider reactivation your passion for seeking him.

Till next week ~~~Isabella Mwango Nyakundi.,  Email: Isabella@vesselforhonor.orgTel :408-8336456.

  Don’t miss  the Believers breakfast fellowship coming up, June 11th 06/11/2016


Don’t stop Seeking God Just Because You Found Him. 

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