Death and Funeral Announcement for Dr. Michael We regret to announce the death of Serah Nduta Kiguru. Wife to Hezron Kiguru Nganga (Wamillion), Mother to Daniel Nganga, Anastacia Njoki, John Mwangi , Gladys Gathoni (diseased), Mary Njambi, Anthony Karanja, Jane Wambui Njoroge (From Hershey PA – USA), and Ann Barugira (NIST University). She is daughter to the late Jonathan Mwinamo and the late Gladys Gathoni. Sister to Kamanga, Mugo, Njoki wa Embu), Nyambura, Kibe, Wainaina and the late Anne Wairimu. She was mother-in-law to Bernard Omukuba, Patricia Njeri, Georgina Mwangi, John Kahugu, Dr. Michael Njoroge Mbito, Jane Karanja and Edward Barugira. She was both a grandma and a great grandma to many.
Sarah Nduta hails from Kahiga Kogi , Makuyu – Murang’a County. Family and friends are meeting at All Saints Cathedral Nairobi and Kahiga Kogi Makuyu – Muranga country every day from 6pm for funeral arrangements.
The cortege will leave Lee Funeral Home on Thursday 07/07/2016 at 8:00 a.m. Funeral service and the burial will be held at Kahiga Kogi, Makuyu, Murang’a Country (adjacent to the Makuyu Ridge Resort site).
My mother was truly a virtuous woman. She nurtured me and mentored me to be who I am and I shall be forever grateful.   she was a strict disciplinarian who would not let her  kids get away with any mischief. As long as I can remember, she exercised generosity to all without favor. Our little house at Maringo would house an entire family of 10 individuals including extended family yet there was always room for kids to bring friends liberally — friends can attest to the fact that our house was open to all. We all recall my brother Mwangi’s friend Rutino who made a casual visit but stuck with us as a fellow sibling through his college education. My mom exemplified service to the poor and needy in her actions. She would go to my uncles and aunts houses and collect unused clothing that she distributed to the poor around her farm at Kahiga Koogi. She would make us cook for the workers, and she would give them their wages and additional rations of food. In effect she nurtured families of the poor around her.
My mom was a wise woman, strict, hardworking and very frugal. She was an astute entrepreneur who worked diligently by selling food stuff from Marigiti, weaved Kiondo baskets, and sold merchandise at Uhuru market . Watching her working relentlessly has rubbed hard onto me and helped me pick myself up and to get going when life becomes tough.
We have learned tremendous lessons from her right here at our Kaston farm . My mom made sure we all spent our school holidays right here – it did not matter we were town kids. She made sure that we  interacted with people of all walks of life from the villages around us. She inducted us a sense of belonging as we participated with farming chores, cattle rearing, fetching firewood (Kuni) in the mountain, and getting water from the well. We would wash clothes by hand and hang them by the river banks.  My mom made sure that we understood that life was not easy and that we hand to work hard to make it.
Sarah my mom truly loved God dearly. Her most shining gift was encouragement to all; to her last moments  at the hospital bedside. She encouraged me to trust God unwaveringly. The day before she passed, I went to see her, found her tired and not well; seeing her I was overcome with grief, and stepped outside to cry. Noticing my condition,  she looked at me and addressed me directly saying,  “ Wambui, you have to be strong (Mundu ni kumiriria umagiriria).”
I will miss my mom dearly. But, I am encouraged to know that I will see her once again in Heaven one day. May her soul rest in eternal peace.