Friday, July 26, 2024

PHOTOS: Uhuru’s Gift That Has Stunned Kenyans


President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday dazzled many on social media after posting photos of a gift he received during his visit to Narok county.

Mr Kenyatta, who was in the region for a thanksgiving service of Geothermal Development Company Managing Director Eng. Johnson P. Ole Nchoe, was given a beautiful custom-made jacket that got many talking.

The maasai decorated garment composing colours of Kenya’s flag was proposed by a section of the public to be declared a national dress. Others went ahed to comment on how exquisite the coat looked on him.

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At the ceremony, President was given a traditional walking staff which he used. The head of state also dined with the maasai elders on some traditionally prepared meat.

Here are the photos:

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Mr Kenyatta receiving his gift

Kenyatta eating traditionally prepared meat

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