He was father to Jaffa Kamau of Elkridge MD, Â Ayleen of Germany, George, Peter and Christian of Athi River, Kenya. Brother to Margaret Magiri of Silver Spring, MD, David Munyui Kamau of ElKridge MD, Paul and Fred Kamau of Lancaster PA, with more Siblings residing in Kenya.
Born in Eldoret, Kenya, Francis spent most of his life in London England and recently relocated to Kenya.
Friends and Family are meeting daily at David and Virginia Munyui Kamau’s residence at 6452 Sedgwick Street Elkridge MD 21075.
Please keep the Family in your Prayers.
For more information please contact
Margaret Magiri: 240-481-5358
Jaffa Njihia: 443-410-1590
Virginia Wambui Munyui Kamau 240-351-1060
Paul Kamau: 717-468-3219
Fred Kamau: 717-669-2279
Guys poleni sana for your loss may the almighty God rest his soul in eternal peace