Friday, July 26, 2024

National Super Alliance (NASA) in trouble ,SUED for stealing title

Raila Odinga’s led alliance NASA risks losing the title .The political alliance was taken to court by an agricultural organization who accused them of theft National Super Alliance (NASA), which is an agreement between ODM party leader Raila Odinga, Ford Kenya’s Moses Wetangula, Musalia Mudavadi (ANC) and Wiper party’s Kalonzo Musyoka will have to agree on a new name if the court rules in favour of Northern Advocacy for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA) who took the alliance to court for theft.

NASA in trouble ,SUED for stealing titleNASA Co-principals

 NASA risks losing its tittle after the Northern Advocacy for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA) filed a legal suit, demanding that the Registrar of Political Parties, Lucy Ndung’u be stopped from registering the National Super Alliance as a political party.

NASA in trouble ,SUED for stealing title

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News about the suit comes at a time the political alliance is at the peak of popularizing itself ahead of the August 8 elections. NASA,the agricultural organization argue that its title has existed in the files of the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Co-ordination Board for decades now and was registered way before NASA ,the political party coined a similar moniker.

NASA in trouble ,SUED for stealing title

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The agricultural organization now wants a declaration that it has enough legal rights over the name and acronym, NASA.

NASA in trouble ,SUED for stealing title

“This Honourable Court be pleased to issue an interim injunction against the first defendants (National Super Alliance), their agents or servants to restrain them from the use of the word or acronym ‘NASA’ as the official or unofficial names of the political party or intended political party for any reason whatsoever pending hearing and determination of the application inter partes,” read part of Northern Advocacy for Sustainable Agriculture petition


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