Friday, March 21, 2025

Why Sonko will be Nairobi’s next governor

Why Sonko is next Nairobi governor

Two weeks ago, Sonko, one of the most determined politicians in Kenya, decided to show Kenyans, and especially Nairobians, that he had more to offer. This was in the form of a documentary that showed what he has done for Nairobi.

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Most Nairobi residents were moved at what a selfless leader Sonko is, and amazed at the developments his work has brought about. Nairobians have been looking for service delivery on many fronts and Sonko showed them that he was not waiting to be governor to do it.

But Sonko was not done. Last week, he was interviewed on Jeff Koinange Live and what we saw was a transformational governor-in-waiting who is articulate, aware of issues and ready to work for Nairobi residents.

At one point, he made Governor Evans Kidero look clueless. Kidero had in an earlier interview dismissed Sonko, saying he does not even know the name of the UN secretary general.

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Sonko did not only give Jeff the name, but also wondered why Kidero had not asked him to name the chairman of the Nairobi Boda Boda Association or the hawkers’ association.

This showed Sonko as a man in touch with the realities of Nairobi, who is not interested in the status that comes with the office of governor. In fact, sentiments online indicated that Sonko had shed off his thuggish tag and now looks presidential.

In short, those who have always claimed that Sonko did not have the demeanour of a governor were left wiping egg off their faces. Sonko has proven all that we saw before about him is not what he is today and that he is ready to show his true character.

But besides what we have seen in the last couple of weeks, there is a lot about Sonko that appeals to Nairobians. This is why he easily floored all his opponents during the Jubilee Party primaries, where his closest challenger had less than half of the votes Sonko received.

One of the key issues that have made the Nairobi Senator a darling of the masses is the ‘Sonko Rescue Team’.

The Sonko Rescue Team has come to the aid of many Nairobians over the years, especially the low-income earners.

This team has offered free services to residents who have been neglected by their county government. The services include supplying free water and assisting residents affected by disasters.

One of Sonko’s strong points is that he fights for the rights of all Nairobians. Whether affluent or poor, Sonko has been someone that many Nairobi residents have counted on for protection.

He has stood against land grabbers in the upmarket areas of Westlands as well as the poorer neighbourhood of Kayole. His is a genuine love for the people, ensuring that their rights are not trampled upon.

Some have argued that his credentials are questionable and that he is not sufficiently well-educated to be governor.

But we all know that Sonko, while he may have struggled with his academics in his past as many Kenyans have, has in his adult life picked up and gotten the required academic qualifications.

But even as we talk of credentials, Nairobians must ask themselves whether the highly educated and polished Dr Kidero has delivered.

Education should not be a reason to deny Sonko the opportunity to work and deliver for the people of Nairobi.

The best gift that Nairobi residents, especially Jubilee voters, can give President Uhuru Kenyatta is a governor who has remained loyal and proven that he can deliver for all. All Nairobi residents must ensure that Sonko becomes the next governor of the capital to guarantee better services.


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