Man of God, Woman of God, they only see you in a suit, a smile, preaching tough, solid, sound, bold and Powerful; Seldom do they see you when you are crawled like an infant ready to give up, give in to wickedness, quit, too tired travailing for individuals who back stab you, praying for their children who tell you they hate their hateful parents but you cannot tell.
Praying for couples who are unwilling to humble, praying for countries where Leaders are unwilling to repent, loving them all even when they hate on you, wondering why you have to carry the load while they go free;
Consistency is Tough BUT without it we create loopholes for the thief to freely carry out his mission in our Cities.
*He chose you. Appreciate His Choice.
*Difficult does not mean impossible.
*It is not how we start, it is if we finish well and strong.
*We rely on HIS strength NOT our own strength….do we even have any anyway?
*HE is faithful to complete what HE started.
*It is NOT your LOAD it is His Load.
*They are not your people, they are Gods’ people.
When its really overwhelming, Surrender to the HIGHER ROCK Not to the situation nor the distractions.
It is well.
By Rev. Meggie Waruri
Talanta AwardsÂ
Tempted to give up: If only you knew what pastors go through