Embu Female MCA’s Breaks dressing code,’provokes’ male colleagues : Debate in the Embu county assembly was temporarily interrupted after a group of male MCAs complained about their colleague arriving in a mini skirt.
Mavuria MCA Ngari Mbaka refused to sit through the session after temporary speaker Phillip Nzangi failed to throw out the nominated ward representative Margaret Kariuki after he complained that she was “under-dressed” and was “provoking” him.
Mbaka had wondered what was wrong with the dressing code of the assembly because when men went to the chambers while improperly dressed they are thrown out of the chambers claiming that the dressing code was biased towards women.
“As you can see now the person who is contributing is provoking us. And if you look at what she is wearing is extremely short. Is she in order to stand before us in her minis dress as she contribute because Mr Speaker we are uncomfortable,” wondered Mbaka.
Deputy Speaker Steve Munene stood and sought that the speaker rule that if Kariuki Margaret was in a mini skirt she be thrown out of the chambers so that Mbaka could be comfortable.
Nzangi however allowed Kariuki to continue contributing to the Motion on the floor of the House because he could not see from his seat whether her dress was too short as alleged, because he had an obstructed view.
Shortly afterwards, Mbaka left the chambers prompting Minority leader Lenny Mwaniki to claim that he walked out after Kariuki stood to contribute because he was uncomfortable.
“Before honourable Margaret continued who should have asked honourable Mbaka whether he was comfortable because once Honourabe Margaret stood on her feet Honourable Mbaka walked away meaning that he was not comfortable when Honorable Margaret is standing near him,” said Mwaniki
Trouble started when Kariuki stood to contribute to a Motion and declared that her remarks would be “as short as a miniskirt”, immediately drawing the attention of her colleagues to her attire.
Following the complaints, she told the Speaker that she considered her dressing to be executive and challenged Mbaka to concentrate on legislative business and get shenanigans out of his head blaming him of over-seeing some things when he should be concentrating on the business before the House.
Kariuki claimed that Mbaka was behaving like a coward by raising a matter and storming out of the House.
The Temporary Speaker ordered that each MCA obtain a copy of the Speaker’s rules and Assembly Standing Orders that contained the dressing-code for both male and female legislator’s while carrying out their legislative mandate.