Popular American poet Emily Elizabeth Dickinson once said this about hope – It is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words — And never stops at all.
Despite the fact that the world is going through a touch patch courtesy of the current Covid-19 Crisis; the world is anchored on deep confidence that this temporary crisis, just like all other preceding crises will go away.
We at Optiven practically anchor our hope in God. We are driven by faith in God; that He will soon lead us to the brighter side of this opacity. That is why, one of our key strategies during this dispensation of time is prayers. Yes, holding prayers together every Wednesday, as we have always done during normal times – but this time round, we have gone big, hosting all our internal staff and management via video conferencing on this mid-week prayers as we present to God, our petitions, our customers’ petitions and prayers for country and the whole world.
It is during these Wednesday morning sessions that we also get to share our fears. Even more, we are pre-listing all the names of any of our customers who are either effected or infected by this pandemic and we pray for them, for God to take charge of their situations.
Already, theses prayers have started working in a big way.
- The prayer session is allowing us to spread hope and create a positive vibe both internally and externally.
- We have received testimonies of our customers who have recovered. Most of them from USA and Europe.
- We are sharing the happiness that is coming out of this prayers with our customers. A case in point is one of our customer who was restricted in a house in the UK due to lockdown and she has always been confessing how happy it feels for our team to get in touch with her during this moment and time.
Our appeal to all our customers and all our Optiven friends is for them not to keep silent. Send us a message, tell us to remember you in prayers or call you up. We have a team of soldiers and prayer warriors to cover your back.
Meanwhile, here are three things that you can do during this time:
1. Do not allow your life to stop:
The Crisis should not kill your goals in life. Giving up makes your body give up too. I was happy when one customer said it in video that he is a general and he will now die of this pandemic. As we read this the customer is back to his normal duties.
2. Do not fear:
Fear comes from what we watch, read and think. Chose to read positive stuff. Do not be part of spreading the fear factor. Always encourage yourself and others too in all fronts.
3. Find something to do:
Pray, exercise, send messages of hope, listening to music and just do something positive.
At Optiven, we are with you. We choose to be your friend at this very difficult moment that soon will be history. Our encouragement, do not stop life, do not stop your dreams and keep your hope in God as life is a gift and the owner of this gift is much alive to everything that is going on.
The author, is a leading Entrepreneur, a Published Author, Philanthropist, Youth Empowerment Enthusiast, a Family man and CEO of Optiven Group.
Contact Optiven Group: 0790 300 300
Email: admin@optiven.co.ke
Website: www.optiven.co.ke
George Wachiuri Blog: www.georgewachiuri.com
YouTube: https://bit.ly/2VdSuFJ
The Place of Hope in Crisis – Optiven’s Approach