Friday, July 26, 2024

Australian Man celebrates Kenyan wife Susan Njogu for accepted him

Australian Man celebrates Kenyan wife Susan Njogu for accepted him

Australian Man celebrates Kenyan wife Susan Njogu for accepted him
Susan Njogu with her husband Philip Eling. [Photo: Courtesy]
Australian national Philip Eling sees it as a dream every time he looks at his Kenyan wife, Susan Njogu.

They have been together for the past four years. Philip is abled differently, and he canโ€™t wrap his mind around the fact that Susan accepted his proposal, his condition notwithstanding.

He nostalgically recalls the day he proposed to her, and confusion reigned since he did not know if she will accept his proposal.

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โ€œUtakuwa bibi yangu (will you be my wife)? Today we are celebrating 4 years of engagement since I proposed on that evening 9/7/2017 in Swahili,โ€ he recently recalled.

Philip says it was Godโ€™s doing that Susan accepted him.

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โ€œOnly God know how terrified I was waiting for that answer but God is faithful he made it possible for us,โ€ he stated.

Philip earlier asked people to believe in themselves and not be afraid of the unknown.

He said he is a proud husband, having married the love of his life.
โ€œNow she is my beautiful darling wifeโ€ฆ God is great. Believe in yourself,โ€ he noted.

They both met in Australia in 2014. Susan was pursuing a diploma course on how to work and help differently-abled people.

She met Philip, who suffered muscular dystrophy at birth.

When she first set his eyes on his, she was taken aback by his confidence. She says the connection was instant.

Philip wasnโ€™t sure it would be easy to convince Susanโ€™s parents, but he decided to take a gamble.

Incidentally, they gave him their blessings, and they went on with their lives as a couple.

By Pharis Kinyua



Australian Man celebrates Kenyan wife Susan Njogu for accepted him

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