It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Mr. Njenga Mambo of Kinungi, Naivasha who passed away on January 13th 2022 at 10.15 am Kenyan time.
Mzee Njenga was the husband to the late Alice Nyambura Njenga (the wife of his youth) and Mary Wanjiku Njenga of Kinungi.
He was the beloved dad to Anastasia Njenga of Maryland USA (Mama Nduta)
Scolastica Gaitho of PCEA Langas, Samuel Gachibi of Amka Farm Kitale, Peter Muiruri of Munyaka Estate Eldoret and David Gicheha of Kitale Town among his many more children.
He was the beloved granddaddy to Alice Kinuthia of Moi Universty, Nancy Jeff of Leicester UK, Eunice Waithera formerly of Knoxsville TN, Jun Nduta of Killeen Texas, John Isaac Njenga of US Navy San Diego CA recently moved from Jacksonvile FL. Mzee Njenga was a great Granddaddy to many grandkids.
Family of Anastasia will appreciate your prayers and financial support for the burial which will be held in at Mzee Njenga’s Home in Kinungi Naivasha.
Friends are well wishers are welcome to Mama Nduta’s Home in Gaithersburg Md.