Monday, January 20, 2025

Embrace difficulties: Problems keeps our minds active, makes us look for solutions

Embrace difficulties: Problems keeps our minds active, makes us look for solutions
Embrace difficulties: Problems keeps our minds active, makes us look for solutions

I recently paid a courtesy call to my former primary school and was impressed by the transition I witnessed. Apart from the changes that I inevitably expected to meet, it was difficult to overlook the fact that the current pupils had the privilege of a better learning environment. There were no more cow-dung smeared classrooms, and the sight of doors and shiny windows was exciting. Unlike two decades ago when I had to sit on the dusty floor during lessons, pupils in my former primary school were comfortably seated on their desks, listening to my memories in amazement. I couldnโ€™t spot anyone barefooted. My challenge to the young boys and girls was to dare and soar beyond the impossible, and not to allow any limitation to hold them back. ย If the same school produced good results in the worst and unimaginable conditions, how much more in a conducive and comfortable environment?

Unfortunately, comfort is not progressive. It is difficult to think outside the box when everything is running smoothly. Mediocrity becomes the order of the day and average feels just right. Is my primary school recording better performance now than in the old days? Your guess is as good as mine. With comfort comes laxity. On the contrary, problems keep our minds active. They make us look for solutions, for better options, and for possible ways out. Problems keep us on track.

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Looking back at where weโ€™ve come from, the challenges we face and the disadvantages we encounter along the way propel and shape us into who we become. The greener grass may look more attractive but it is the consistency and hard work of the gardener that give the results. Progress in any area of life doesnโ€™t come seamlessly and the comfort zone is a dangerous place to be. May we not be too comfortable to dream, but embrace the difficulties that come our way and thrive, regardless.

Impossible is Nothing!

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By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger Contributor

Elizabeth is the author of Imagine theย  world and create it,ย a powerful book that is an inspiration to all to re-ignite our zeal to dream. whatever you dreams,you can bring itย toย pass.

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What To Do When Times Are Tough

Embrace difficulties: Problems keeps our minds active, makes us look for solutions

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