Monday, October 14, 2024

Succeed in All Things: Unleashing the Power of God’s Grace

Succeed in All Things: Unleashing the Power of God's Grace
Succeed in All Things: Unleashing the Power of God’s Grace

THE WORD:ย ย โ€œGod is able to make all grace abound toward you; so that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.โ€ย 2 Corinthians 9:8

THE POINT:ย ย God wants the best for you! He wants you to succeed in all things. The NIV translation of 2 Corinthians 9:8 says that โ€œGod is able to bless you abundantly.โ€ He has blessed you and He will continue to bless you . . . abundantly!

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God has doneย everything necessaryย to enable you to succeed. He has blessed you with everything you need. Hisย graceย is sufficient to empower you in every situation. In fact, His grace isย more than enoughย for even the most daunting of tasks.

Grace is the sum total of all Godโ€™s resources and that includes His power and His provisions. This grace is embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, God has made all of His resources available to youย in Christ.ย Therefore, God willย enable youย to abound in accomplishing every good work.
THE APPLICATION:ย ย Do you want to do good works and abound in all things? Those are noble aspirations. However, it is one thing to want to do the right thing, but itโ€™s quite another to be able to do it. All of your prior failed attempts should make that rather obvious. The truth is that all of yourย humanย strengths and abilities are totally insufficient and inadequate.

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But thatโ€™sย not a problem, at least not for Almighty God.ย God is mostย able;ย He can certainly enable you. Yes, Godย canย and more importantly, Godย will!ย He will take care of everything you need. As God makes His graceย aboundย toward you, you will be able toย aboundย unto every good work. No wonder the Apostle Paul said that he could do all things through Christ. Paulโ€™s sufficiency wasย of Godย and the sky was the limit!

The good news is if youโ€™re in Christ, thenย the same thing is true for you.ย God hasย made youย both adequate and sufficient because of your union with Christ. The all-sufficient Oneโ€”Jesus Christโ€”resides in you. Therefore, you can do all things through Christ! Notice how this is described in 2 Corinthians 9:8. It saysย โ€œallย grace,โ€ย โ€œallย sufficiency,โ€ย โ€œallย things,โ€ andย โ€œeveryย good work.โ€ Furthermore, it says you willย โ€œalwaysโ€ย have all of this. Now thatโ€™sย allinclusive!

THE PRAYER:ย “Dear God, my abilities are so limited, but your grace is limitless. You are able to make all grace abound toward me. The all-sufficient One abides in me through my union with Christ. Therefore, Your life in me will enable me to abound unto every good work. I thank You, Lord, for Your all sufficient grace!”

Byย Dr.ย Lewisย Gregory/

Succeed in All Things: Unleashing the Power of God’s Grace

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