Sunday, March 9, 2025

Help from the Holy Spirit at Christmas: Finding Joy in Difficult Times

Help from the Holy Spirit at Christmas: Finding Joy in Difficult Times
Help from the Holy Spirit at Christmas: Finding Joy in Difficult Times

Christmas is often filled with gifts, gatherings, and celebrations, bringing together many Christians and families worldwide.

While these festivities are significant, the central figure being honored is Jesus Christ. On this day, we celebrate his birth and acknowledge his reign as King of kings and Lord of Lords.

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The circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth hold profound truths, especially during difficult times.

When Mary, Jesus’ mother, was told she would bear the Savior, it was an overwhelming prospect.

She found the idea impossible because she was a virgin, asking, “How can that be?” The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit shall come upon you” (Luke 1:35).

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What seemed impossible to Mary was made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As many celebrate this season, not everyone may feel joyful. You might be facing a challenging situation right now.

Like Mary, you could be confronted with circumstances that seem insurmountable. The Holy Spirit is here to help; he is the promise that Jesus sent us.

He is our helper and advocate, as noted in John 14:25-26. Additionally, he is creative and capable of bringing forth something from nothing (Romans 4:17).

The Holy Spirit is present within you and is eager to offer assistance. Just as the angel reassured Mary, “Nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

If you are facing challenges this Christmas, have confidence that God is by your side. Remember, Christ, the hope of glory dwells within you (Colossians 1:27).

Corresponding Actions Must Accompany Spiritual Warfare Prayers.

Like Mary, embrace the possibility of a miracle from God and remain open to the extraordinary!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a generous endowment of God’s favor in 2025.

Written by Pauline Adongo

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Help from the Holy Spirit at Christmas: Finding Joy in Difficult Times

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