Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Master Designer: God is the owner, We are prized possession

The Master Designer: God is the owner, We are prized possession
The Master Designer: God is the owner, We are prized possession. PHOTO/

THE WORD:  “The Earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For He has founded it . . . .”  Psalm 24:1

THE POINT: “Who’s the owner?” When people want to get results, they go to the owner. The owner is the one in charge.

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It’s the owner’s responsibility, so it’s up to the owner to decide what should be done. When it comes to planet Earth, or the Universe for that matter, the owner is the Lord God Almighty.

God is not just the owner, He’s the founder—the Designer and Creator of all things! God created everything that exists out of Himself.

God is the Source and Substance of all creation. Nothing exists apart from Him. It all originated from God and everything belongs to Him (Romans 11:36).

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God is the Master Designer and Creator of all things, and that includes you! God made you!

You are God’s property. Everything is under His authority and responsibility. God Himself is the Source and Sustainer of all things.

We owe our very existence, as well as our sustenance, to God. All we are and all we have are derived from the Lord God Almighty. So, in the final analysis, God truly is Lord of all!

THE APPLICATION: Your Creator God is the rightful owner of all you are and all you have. You are His unique creation: a person made in His image—one of a kind.

It gets even better. Once you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you become a new creation in union with Christ. You are God’s handiwork—His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).

As such, you are His prize possession and that makes you very, very special! Since you’re now joined to the Lord, He will do right by you . . . if you let Him.

He takes care of His own, but you must let Him. Have you accepted His rightful authority over your life? Have you given yourself to Him? Are you submitted to the Lord’s authority in every area of your life?

If so, then it’s time to focus on the Lord and the marvelous new creation that He has made you. Don’t get bogged down worrying about everybody and everything; that’s the Lord’s responsibility.

And, you are His responsibility. Therefore, just concentrate on your true self (the person you are on the inside, recreated in the image of Christ).

Make the most of what you’ve got. Follow the Lord’s leading for your life and He will take care of everything else!

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THE PRAYER:  “Dear God, You are the Master Designer and Creator of all things. I belong to You because You made me.

I have been acting like I was my own, but that’s not true. All I am and have belongs to You.

As the rightful owner of my life, I give myself to You and acknowledge Your Lordship over my life. I trust you to take care of me and all that pertains to me.”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

God Uses what is Weak to Shame the Strong: Embracing Weakness

The Master Designer: God is the owner, We are prized possession

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