Diaspora Is Not A Constituency In Law, It’s Alien, Contaminates Election – Lawyer Ndegwa Njiru: A Kenyan Lawyer Ndegwa Njiru says that Diaspora is not a constituency by law and it Contaminates Election
Kenyan Diaspora Richard Kaitany Returns Home With life Changing Gift to Villagers: Residents of the Iten in the Rift Valley have their life upended after an athlete who rose from the village to find success in the United States returned with a life-changing gift.
Ruto Plans to Create Diaspora Ministry to Improve Delivery of Government Services: DP Ruto plans to create a diaspora ministry and improve the delivery of government services through decentralizing services and functions of Kenyan missions abroad.
Kenyan Diaspora Professor Jonathan Choti Wins Coveted American Fellowship: A Kenya professor and scholar has won the 2022 Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program at Michigan State University.
Kenyan Diaspora Man Wins USD100,000 In Minnesota USA: A Kenyan Diaspora man Abdiaziz Ibrahim's goal of acquiring good leadership skills will now come true after he won USD100,000 in the St. Paul-based Bush Foundation fellowship fund.
The First Kenya Airlift Program ‘Guinea Pig’ Finally Lands A Dream Job In Corporate America: In another mark of greatness, on 2nd of May this year, the award-winning Kenya Airlift Program saw its first beneficiary graduating with top honors.
Kenya Government To Track Kenyans Living And Working In Diaspora: The Labour Ministry is setting up an electronic platform to keep track of Kenyan migrant workers, amid a jump in the numbers
Free Virtual Diaspora Business Expo hosted by Jambo List: Jambo List LLC is hosting their 2022 Diaspora Business Expo virtually on April 29th from 6PM EST and April 30th