Monday, March 31, 2025


Maina Njenga Lived a Life of Violence by Leading a Violent Group

Maina Njenga Lived a Life of Violence by Leading a Violent Group: The issue of Maina Njenga is a tricky one. It is hard to imagine the horror of seeing bullets flying past you and into you. It is also sad that

Former Mungiki Leader Maina Njenga Property Worth Sh2 Billion

Former Mungiki Leader Maina Njenga Property Worth Sh2 Billion: Embattled former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga has built a close-to-Sh2 billion empire in land and prime buildings.


POLICE TRIED TO KILL ME, SAYS MAINA NJENGA: MAINA Njenga has claimed the police and National Intelligence Service want to kill him and blame infighting within the Mungiki sect.

Maina Njenga Survives Gun Attack, Five Killed

Former leader of the outlawed Mungiki group Maina Njenga Saturday survived a gun attack that left five people in his two-car motorcade dead. Mr Njenga...

Maina Njenga in hiding as brother leads Mungiki ‘coup’

Maina Njenga in hiding as brother leads Mungiki ‘coup’: The former leader of the banned Mungiki sect Maina Njenga has gone into hiding following attempts on his life by disgruntled

Bensouda Wants Uhuru’s 2007 Financial Records

ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda is seeking to prove that President Uhuru Kenyatta spent up to Sh50 million to finance the 2008 post-election violence. This is...

Photos: Meet Nairobi’s flashiest pastors-Balling in the Ministry

Photos: Meet Nairobi's flashiest pastors-Balling in the Ministry. They come to church in imported handmade suits creased on the soft leather seats of their latest fuel guzzlers that any

Samuel Wanjiru’s widow deny any relationship with Maina Njenga

The widow of the late Olympic champion Samuel Wanjiru has today come out to deny an online media report that claims she is warming...

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