In this fast-paced life, at times it may feel like things are not moving fast enough. With Apps and touch screens, I often catch myself trying to click something repeatedly because it is not opening fast enough
 In this fast-paced life, at times it may feel like things are not moving fast enough. With Apps and touch screens, I often catch myself trying to click something repeatedly because it is not opening fast enough for me
INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: ASK GOD TO GROW THAT WEAK SPOT: Human nature tends to criticize or point fingers to areas of inadequacies or lack. Ministries and churches get brunt of these based on peoples’ needs.
The conception of every new thing comes with much excitement and energy. The new thing could be an idea, vision, dream, goal month, baby, business; a new job, car, ministry, a new exercise routine; name it;
INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: WEAR RED WITH PRIDE-GOD ACCEPTS YOU: Among the common things that every person wants are love, acceptance, affirmation, a sense of security and protection.
NURTURE ​ YOUR TERRITORY -Positive And Impactful Side Of Territorialism: To many the word “territorial” bears a negative connotation. However, there is positive and impactful side of territorialism
INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: GOD WILL WALK YOU THROUGH: The beginning of the year is often marked with evaluations, strategies and goal setting. As we reflect on 2017, I am sure you can
McDonald’s restaurants are among my favorite fast food chains. It’s McDonalds followed by In-N-Out Burger on the west coast. I love Mickie-D French fries...