Friday, September 20, 2024

Jubilee tells off ICC over leak claims

The Jubilee alliance yesterday told off the ICC over accusations that the government has been leaking crucial documents related to the two cases. The court has even threatened to raise the matter at the Assembly of State parties in December.

The alliance, which reacted angrily to the allegations and demanded immediate termination of the cases at The Hague, defended the government saying it is the court, through its registry that has been releasing documents to the public and the media.

According to the alliance, it is through the arrangements of the registry’s live broadcast that the world received the disclosures from The Hague of the President’s telephone records, ownership of land and moveable assets.

The legislators termed the allegations by the court as dishonest and absurd as it is still the same court that allowed lawyers to freely canvass the information related to the case in an open court.

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At a press conference yesterday, the members claimed that it is evident that the ICC cases at The Hague are not in any way a judicial process but a political court whose aim was to block Uhuru and his deputy William Ruto from contesting the General Election.

More than 30 MPs allied to Jubilee said it is clear that the ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has no evidence against Uhuru, Ruto and radio journalist Joshua Sang. In a strongly worded statement, the MPs led by Majority Leader Aden Duale (National Assembly) and Kithure Kindiki (Senate) claimed lack of evidence by the court is what has made it resort to vilifying the country in what the leaders termed an attempt to secure extra-judicial stigma.

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“The revised script is intended to profile the government and political leadership as uncooperative with the court and obstructive of investigations. It is also meant to portray it to have bribed and interfered with witnesses. Most absurdly, the curious charge of leaking confidential filings has been developed,” said Duale.

Kindiki made it clear that despite the ongoing cases at The Hague, this does not mean that they cannot give their views in regards to the cases. “Compliance with the law does not mean we cannot talk. We want to send a message to ICC to stop this circus,” he said.

He regretted that for five years the prosecutor has never carried out any thorough investigations and that is why they are resorting to portraying Kenya in a bad light.

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