Monday, March 3, 2025

Lioness swiming with Kevin Richardson

Lioness swiming with Kevin Richardson
Lioness swiming with Kevin Richardson
Lioness swiming with Kevin Richardson


Kevin Richardson decided to cool off in the South African heat was joined by an unlikely swimming partner – a giant lioness. Kevin Richardson swim with Meg the lioness in the Crocodile River just south of the Magaliesburg mountains near Johannesburg, South Africa.


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Kevin Richardson, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness Photos, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness Video

Animal behaviourist Kevin Richardson, 34 year old, traveling and working with some of the most dangerous animals known man. Weighing a staggering 185 kg this noisy tawny lioness play fully splashed around with the experienced behaviourist.

Kevin Richardson, who has been involved in countless documentaries, and has just completed work on a new film about the white lions, working to raise awareness and be active in lion conservation. With their unusual methods he has developed some very personal ties with students, playing, sleeping and even swim with the animals.

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With lion numbers in nature has fallen from about 350,000 animals to 25-30000 over a period of 15 years, creating a bleak picture. Kevin says he is most confident with animals he has known since birth, but claims he can make friends with a lion, as long as it is under a year old. Meg, 7, and her sister Amy, live in “The Kingdom of White Lion”, near Johannesburg, South Africa.

Kevin Richardson swim with Meg the lioness Pics

Kevin Richardson, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness Photos, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness VideoKevin Richardson, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness Photos, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness VideoKevin Richardson, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness Photos, Kevin Richardson Swim With Lioness Video





Indian couple charged with murder
By Rosina John
Friday, Feb 13, 2009


Mr Vinoth Praveer and his wife Komal Bhupenda await their arraignment for murder at the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday. They were charged with killin 21-year old Abdallah last week. PHOTO/MICHAEL MATEMANGA

A young couple was charged in a Dar es Salaam court yesterday with the grisly murder last week of 21-year-old Abdulbasit Abdallah.

Indian nationals Vinoth Praveer Nadhesan and his wife Komal Bhupenda, who are both aged 23, were arraigned before the Kisutu Resident Magistrate.

They were brought into the packed court at 11.30am before the murder charges were read out by Inspector of Police Emma Mkonyi.

Mr Mkonyi told the court that the suspects committed the offence on February 6 this year on Kipata Street in Ilala District in Dar es Salaam.

The two did not, however, enter plea as it was not allowed at that preliminary stage. The suspect will respond to the charge only at the High Court.

The magistrate ordered that the suspects be remanded in prison until February 24, 2009 when their case comes up for mention. The prosecution earlier reported that investigations on the case were incomplete.

The couple who were residing in Gerezani area were arrested early in the week at the Julius Nyerere International Airport on suspicion of involvement in the killing of Abdulbasit.

Police said they were prevented from boarding an India bound Emirates flight on February 9, around the time when the body of the deceased was found in a suit case and in an abandoned car.

It was alleged that Mr Praveer and the deceased were business partners.

Kenya star runner Bungei calls for support from countrymen

Aug. 9 .2008



The Olympic rings are hoisted into the night skyThe assembled athletes gather below the flame
Thousands of specks of light make up the Olympic rings on the floor of the arena and are then magically lifted into the sky–The assembled athletes gather below the flame that will burn above the Olympic stadium over the next 16 days of Olympic competition.






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