DV-2011 Diversity Visa Lottery Registration is now Opens
DV-2011 Diversity Visa Lottery Registration is now Opens
DV-2011 Diversity Visa Lottery Registration is now Opens
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The US State Dept has announced the opening of the registration period for the DV-2011 Diversity Visa Lottery. The online entry registration period is between noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Friday, October 2, 2009, and noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5), Monday, November 30, 2009. The entries must be submitted electronically and paper entries will not be accepted. Kenya was listed as fifth in the list of countries which had the highest number of lottery winners for the DV-2010 Diversity Visa Lottery. Kenya had 4,619 winners trailing only Ethiopia-5,200, Bangladesh-6,001, Nigeria-6,006 and Ghana who scooped the top spot with 8,752 winners. We encourage many people to send in their application. Please forward this info to a friend or family member and let us help those who are not computer savvy so that nobody is left behind
Here is more info:
Our State Department Web site for the 2011 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2011) is now open. The entry submission period for DV-2011 is from 12:00PM EDT (GMT -4) on October 2, 2009 to 12:00PM EST (GMT -5) on November 30, 2009. The entry form will only be available for submission during this period and this period only. Entries will not be accepted through the U.S. Postal Service.
Entry Instructions
Please read the DV-2011 Entry Instructions carefully. Entrants may be disqualified for not completing the entry form correctly or by submitting more than one entry. Use the link below to view the instructions.
Before beginning the entry process, you can verify that your picture(s) comply with all requirements by clicking the link below.
Photo Validator
Entry Form
The entry form is prepared in two parts, one for the primary entrant and one for derivatives (if any). Each part must be completed correctly and completely before going to the next part. After all parts are completed, the entry will be submitted to the DV-2011 Processing Center for handling. Click the link below to begin
U.S. Department of State Electronic Diversity Visa Entrant Status Check website for DV-2010.
DV-2010 Entrant Status Check Instructions
Please be sure to have the Entrant’s Confirmation Number,Last Name/Family Name, and Year of Birth in order to check the entrant status online.
Note: Confirmation Number is 16 characters long (alphanumeric), starting with numeric digits 2010 (two zero one zero).
For those in Jamhuri who want information of what is happening in Diaspora, looking for lost loved ones, won a Green card and don’t know where to start in America.Diasporamessenger is the resource center where you can get all the information you need. Our advise to those who win Green cards, don’t sell your property in Kenya or quit your job before you get the real picture of what to expect. Click HERE for contact info.
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We always knew he was married to a white man. But we did not know about this other second husband,” explained Ms Lucy Wanjiru, 43.Read more
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I won green card in 2011,but did not proceed in anything.kindly help me if I can still use the green card.