Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Satan, You Will Not Have Our Children!,

This month I have heard such bad news of death and destruction of our young ones mostly teenagers and that’s from around the world. It is obvious that the devil is playing havoc with our children, our future and  on one hand, The future of our existence and continuation is our children,

 Dear family and friends

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This one is mostly to the parent, I am one I also know we struggle and work hard trying to make the best of our children. I also know that that not all the bad that is happening to our children is contributed to our negligence, that I am fully aware of and yet…

Question; Are We  Praying For And Talking To Our Children?

Isaiah 7:15 Says: …And as for your little ones, who you said would become a prey, and your children, who today have no knowledge of good or evil, they shall go in there. And to them I will give it, and they shall possess it.
This month I have heard such bad news of death and destruction of our young ones mostly teenagers and that’s from around the world. It is obvious that the devil is playing havoc with our children, our future and  on one hand, The future of our existence and continuation is our children, The very hope of all our nations is vested in our children and what they become On the other hand, Who we become to them pretty much makes them whom they are The other day I heard a noted psychologist give this warning to parents he said; "Your child doesn’t need you to be his/her friend, he/she needs you to be a PARENT" I can see why he said that because most of all the bad habits I learned in my youth I learned from a friend, most of the time a friend flows with the current a friend. Here is the truth: Though I didn’t like what my parents counsel or ( I called it ‘lectures’ deep down inside I knew they were right, They set their standards by which I could measure right and wrong, Yes I needed a parent who told me the painful truth not a friend who wanted to please me so as not to lose my friendship!!! SELAH (Think about that)
What Are We Transferring To Our Children?
Jer 31;29 "In those days people will no longer say, ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.’
This verse is self explanatory
In a psychology class our teacher was teaching us the influence we have over one another He took a green lemon cut it up and bit into it with a slurping sound the class clenched their teeth, and wailed, Ooh!, all of our mouths were salivating ( Right now my mouth is watering just thinking of it and I think yours is too!)
Parents our children are like shadows they follow us, go wherever and do whatever we do good or bad.
All that to say Let us use our influence to our children positively and whatever we cant do let us give to Godin prayer
Are We Daily Praying For Our Children?

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Genesis 25:11After Abraham’s death, God blessed his son Isaac, who then lived near Beer Lahai Roi.
The greatest blessing you can give to your children is to present them before the Lord in prayer
Remember that the Lord stoped all he was doing at a moment in history to bless and pray for the children
The fact that I am here talking about and living for God is ‘Pure Proof that Parents Prayers Work!!’
And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them. … Then
after he had hugged the children, he tenderly blessed them as he laid his Mark 10:16
Song; Jesus loves the little children…
Lord our God We humbly come to you bearing our children and those of our nation, Heavenly father we pray that you Bring them closer to yourself We pray that you Protect them from the evil one and from alchohol, drugs and all the bad and destructive influences we plead. Heavenly father have mercy on them and keep them safe from accidents and all evil coincidences
Lord let there be a remnant of seed of the righteous Dear loving father protect and lead our posterity in the name of Lord and savour Jesus Christ we earnestly pray, (And everyone said…..?;)
Manasseh P.Mankuleiyo

Presiding Bishop
Faith Evangelical Free Churches (Kenya)

"Oh To Be His Hand Extended"

Satan, You Will Not Have Our Children!,The Lord Rebuke You

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