“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17).
Sanctification means to make holy and purify. At the end of his mission on earth, Jesus asked the Father to sanctify the disciples and those who will believe after he ascends to heaven. Including us living in this current season, by his word.
When Jesus lived on this earth, he was tempted by every manner of temptation and the Devil, the president and CEO of the kingdom Darkness. So Jesus understood very well the pressure, confusion, pain, and hardships we will face on earth till his return.
As a result, He made a very important prayer. The Bible says without holiness we cannot see God and this is a foundational principle of the word of God (Hebrews 12:14). Holiness comes when we let the word sanctify us, that is, sanctification comes through the word of God.
When the word of God is applied and practiced in our lives it purifies, cleanses, and straightens our crooked lives. Further, it gives us a pure love, and removes bitterness, anger and unforgiveness.
In sum, the word aligns our intentions and motives with the will of God. As a result we are able to respond to Him as He wants us to. He say, “Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine” (Leviticus 20:26, NASB).
For those of us who have been set apart, for those of us who have the heart of the Father, for those of us who call ourselves God’s people, He has set a standard for us to follow.
He who has called us is faithful; He would never have demanded us to be holy if He knew it was something unachievable. God knows we can be holy, for He says it is not by your strength that you will try to please me. On the contrary, it is by allowing Him and His word to live in you.
It is by allowing His power to invade your human power and understanding so that you can operate in His power and have His understanding.
It is God who created us and gave us the five common senses, and so he knows the limitation of those senses to understand Him without His help. That is why the Lord boldly said, “without me you can do nothing” (John 15).
You say your efforts and achievements have been frustrated; you have built houses to live and have not lived in them, dug wells so you could drink out of them but they have ran dry, yet you ask why.
However, God says He did not promise you houses that you built, and wells that you dug, but those you did not build and wells you did not dig. This is because when He sets you apart it means He is the only one who can provide; He does not need your assistance in providing for you because He is the Lord who is more than enough.
When He gives, He leaves no lack. To redeem us, He did not send one of the angels to die on the cross, He sent His only son. The sacrifice of His son on the cross speaks about His commitment to you.
For those He has set apart, He promises to protect them, cover them with His love, make them the head and not the tail, and to bring rain in the droughts of their lives. All that He needs from us is to take Him as our God, who creates. God does not make, He creates.
He created the heavens and therefore He is able to create a new kidney, liver, heart, legs, and body. He is able to provide for your finances. However, until you quit figuring out how it is going to happen, true to His nature, He will not move.
For His nature is faith. I saw a very powerful definition of faith the other day; it said “Faith is not believing that God can, but that He will.” God is calling His children back to Himself.
He says, “With an everlasting love I loved you and want to live with you forever. I have a place for you. I am a jealous God and am jealous over you because you are mine.” God created us for Himself and for us to being glory to Him.
He knows that although we are in the world, we are not of this world. God has given us the power and authority over the god of this world and he has no part in us unless we allow him.
God wants to shield us from Satan and show Himself strong on our behalf, but only if we let Him. God wants to show His power over your sickness, depression, pain, and agony.
He longs to do this, but you will have to allow Him to be the Lord over your life and let Him take control of all the areas of your life. Let Him rule and reign and be the one with the final say in all your dealings.
God does not have to come in when you are in a mess; He wants to be involved from the conception of your dealings for that is who He is. God wants to work in you and through you.
As Paul said to the Philippians, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13). He wants to bring peace into all areas of your life, but to do this He has to be your only God.
He has to be the only one you worship and the source of all you need in your life. As Isaiah said, “Lord, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us” (Isaiah 26:12).
So how do we get to a place of holiness? By knowing who God has made us, who he is, knowing and doing what pleases him, and what is the end result of our relationship with him (eternal life).
There is more about God and in God than we have been told, seen or heard. We can only find out by having a deeper personal relationship with Him. It is in intimacy with Him that He reveals his character, goodness, mercies, and strength.
God has offered himself to help us with becoming holy. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper. We live in the season of the Holy Spirit ministry. After Jesus went to heaven the Holy Spirit took over His ministry on earth.
He is among us and walks among us and if we ask him to open our spiritual eyes, we will see him in our daily lives, we will talk to him, and ask him questions. He is a person, he is able to help us to walk holy lives, and we can clearly be led of the Holy Spirit to please the Father.
Therefore we need to allow him to have full control in our lives. Let Him lead us when we wake up in the morning, throughout the day, and when we go to bed. It is not by our strength and knowledge, but by His Spirit.
Let the Holy Spirit reign in your life and situation today, whether it is finances, homelessness, sickness, pain, worry, fear of the future, fear of the current, depression, stress, and anxiety.
You might be in a place or situation where you feel confused and out of touch with reality. You might even think or simply go through it as though it is fiction, unreal, or a dream. Maybe as you go through your circumstances you feel like you need to make certain adjustments, find a better career, find a better job, or move to a cheaper state.
The reality of what is happening is that there is a shift and the only remedy to this has nothing do with your career or job, but everything to do with our hearts’ condition towards the Father.
It relates to the way we have treated Him, who we have perceived him to be, and who we have wanted him to be. You see, the bottom line is, He cannot change Himself nor can He deny who He is; He remains God forever.
If you live in the San Jose area, we invite you to our weekly meeting every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Please be advised that the Tuesday meeting sitting is by ‘first come first to sit basis.’ Also, join us in our Monthly meetings every second Saturday of the month.
For more information on the locations for these meetings and other ministry information visit our website at: www.vesselforhonor.org or call our Ministry numbers: 408-833-6478 or 650-224-5152.
Evangelist Isabella Mwango
Founder :Overseer
Vessel for honor International Ministry
685 Glenburry Way San
Jose CA 95123
E-Mail: Isabella@vesselforhonor.org
Website: http://www.vesselforhonor.org