The Wooden Rule

Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden had an interesting rule for his teams. Whenever a player scored, he was to acknowledge the person on the team who had assisted. When he was coaching high school, one of his players asked, โ€œCoach, wonโ€™t that take up too much time?โ€ Wooden replied, โ€œIโ€™m not asking you to run over there and give him a big hug. A nod will do.โ€

To achieve victory on the basketball court, Wooden saw the importance of teaching his players that they were a teamโ€”not โ€œjust a bunch of independent operators.โ€ Each person contributed to the success of everyone else.

That reminds me of the way the body of Christ should work. According to 1 Corinthians 12:19-20, each of us is a separate part of one body. โ€œIf they were all one member, where would the body be? But . . . there are many members, yet one body.โ€ Is the success of a pastor, a Bible study, or a church program based solely on one personโ€™s accomplishments? How many people contribute to the smooth operation of a church, a Christian organization, a family?

Coach Woodenโ€™s rule and 1 Corinthians 12 are both rooted in the principle of seeing our need for one another. Letโ€™s use our gifts within the body of Christ to build up, strengthen, and help to carry out Godโ€™s purposes (vv.1-11).


All Christians have been gifted
By grace from God above,
Equipped to build and strengthen
The church in faith and love. โ€”Fitzhugh

There are no unimportant people in the body of Christ.