Please join us for a Memorial Service in honor of Betty Njoroge, sister to Jimmy and Salome Njoroge and a time to financially support with unmet hospital bills and other expenses.
It will be held on Saturday November 19th at Swiss Royale starting at 6pm.
The address is 9651 Bissonnett St, Houston TX 77036.
Donations may be deposited at:
Chase Bank: Gabriel Njoroge
Acct#: 849551080
Routing#: 111000614
Please check the following websites for other updates:
For more information you can contact:
Gitau Jamuhuri 8326873150
Steve Thiongo 7134594658
Paul Kamau 8322797253
Your presence and contribution will be highly appreciated.
Friends are also welcome to join the family for a time of prayer and worship daily at Jimmy and Berna’s residence.
Where: 9219 Barrow hollow Dr, Houston TX, 77083
Time: 6 p.m – 9 p.m.
May God Bless You.