Friday, July 26, 2024

Disqualified: Full List Of Kenyan MPs Without Degrees.

Disqualified: Full List Of Kenyan MPs Without Degrees.

Disqualified: Full List Of Kenyan MPs Without Degrees.Had President Kibaki enacted the bill seeking to make it mandatory for a legislator to have a degree, many of the current MP’s would have been disqualified from running for office next year. Some of them are well known like Balala, Sonko, Ngilu and Fred Gumo. Here is a list of those mps who have no undergraduate degrees.

Central region
1. Nemesis Warugongo-Kieni
2. Clement Waibara- Gatundu North
3. James Maina Kamau-Kandara
4. Peter Mwathi-Limuru
5. David Njuguna-Lari
Coast region
1. Najib Balala-Mvita
2. Mwalimu Mwahima -Likoni
3. Omar Zongo- Msambweni
4. Ngozi Rao-Kinango
5. Danson Mwanzo- Voi
6. Hassan Joho- Kisauni
7. Rashid Kajembe-Changamwe
8. Kazungu Kambi- Kaloleni
9. Gideon Mungaro-Malindi
10. Abu Chiaba-Lamu East
11. Shakeel Abdalla- nominated.
Nairobi region
1 Fred Gumo- Westlands
2. Mike Mbuvi Sonko- Makadara
3. Beth Mugo-Dagoretti
4. Margaret Wanjiru- Starehe
5. Rachael Shebesh- Nominated.
Nyanza region
1. Jakoyo Midiwo-Gem
2. Wilfred Ombui-North Mugirango
3. Shakeel Shabir-Kisumu Town East.
4. Fred Outa- Nyando MP.
5. Omondi Anyanga-Nyatike
6. Oyugi Magwanga- Kasipul Kabondo
7. Otieno Ogindo-Rangwe
8. Cyprus Omolo-Uriri
Eastern region
1. Itwiku Mbai-Masinga
2. Kareke Mbiuki
3. Johnstone Muthama-Kangundo
4. Charity Kaluki –Kitui Central
Rift Valley region
1. Asman Kamama-Baringo East
2. Gideon Konchella-Kilgoris
3. William Ole Ntimama-Narok North.
4. Maishon Leshomo-nominated
5. Mursa Sirma-nominated
6. Julius Murgor-Kapenguria
7. Beatrice Kones-(Bomet)
8. Simeon Lesirma-Samburu West
9. Micah Kigen (Rongai)
10. Ole Lankas-Narok South
11. Jebii Kilimo-Marakwet East
12. Joseph Nkaisery
Western region
1. Evans Akula- Kwisero
2. Manyala Keya-Lurambi
3. Bifwoli Wakoli –Bumula
4. Ben Washiali-Mumias
5. Cyrus Jirongo-Lugari
6. Shoita Shitanda-Malava
7. George Khaniri-Hamisi.
North Eastern region
1. Yusuf Haji

Disqualified: Full List Of Kenyan MPs Without Degrees.

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