Thursday, October 17, 2024

Miguna Miguna manhandled in Mombasa

Miguna Migunas’s quest to popularize his book ‘Peeling Back the Mask’ in Mombasa County on Saturday came to halt when  youths disrupted the event.

Trouble started when Miguna and his host Mvita MP Najib Balala took to the podium and attempted to address the crowd that had gathered at the Castle Royal hotel.

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Scenes of lawlessness were witnessed as youths descended on the barrister.  He even lost his hat in the ensuing melee. His host hurriedly left the building.

Police officers who arrived at the scene were overwhelmed by the youths who were baying for his blood. They eventually called for reinforcement and whisked a shocked Miguna back to the hotel before escorting him to the airport.

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This event happens barely a day after irate youth hounded Miguna out of a function in Kisumu.

Miguna jetted back into the country last week from Canada where he flew to days after he released his book "Peeling Back the Mask: A Quest For Justice in Kenya."

Speaking at the Jomo Kenya International Airport on arrival, Miguna dismissed claims that he fled the country saying he had gone on a holiday.

His departure to Canada coincided with an order by the Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko that Miguna be taken in for questioning for allegations he made concerning the 2008 post poll violence.

Tobiko further indicated that Miguna could face charges if it was established that he withheld crucial information about those behind the deadly violence.

In his book Miguna caricatured the happenings in ODM, laying bare the premiers’ lieutenants terming them corrupt leaders who cannot afford to lecture Kenyans on anything about reforms.

Tearing into Raila’s inner circle, the Canadian Educated lawyer choreographed a den of what he alleges to be corruption masked in a smokescreen of reforms within the ODM wing with the primer chocked in the middle. 

He even went further to detail how an aid to the premier in a rush to ring-fence himself with luxury allegedly bought five vehicles valued at 50 million shillings despite earning a meager salary. 

The boisterous Miguna dared anyone wishing to challenge him to quickly run to the court saying he was not spewing venom and he is not a rebel with a course but rather peeling back the mask of the happening within the PM’s enclave.

The book outlines issues Miguna considers injustices in ODM and how a few individuals who surrounded the premier amassed wealth within a very short period.







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