Friday, January 31, 2025

Do not be satisfied with the ordinary in 2013

Joshua spoke to the house of Joseph, to Ephraim and Manasseh, saying,

“You are a numerous people and have great power; you shall not have one lot only,” (Joshua 17:17)

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Last night I watched and witnessed the 49niners win over the ATL Falcons. It is always fun watching these players do the extraordinary. It is those who understand the power within them and play in their uniqueness that brings flavor to the team. These are the people who ignore their critics and all barriers, defy history and run and play like they are the only one running and playing. The world is in need of the extraordinary; they are looking and seeking for the extraordinary. There is a God-given desire in you and me to do the extraordinary and to move those mountains that seem immovable to everyone else. There are mountains that have stood in your family for many years and even generations. There are spirits that have ruled your life, your family and your generational lineage and now they have a sense of ownership and a sense of belonging in your destiny. They have taken control and they want to dictate and control the outcome of your destiny. You have tried to produce fruits, but you have not become productive. You are busy, but your busyness has become one of the ways the devil has robbed you because though you have been busy you have not succeeded in any area of your life. Do you feel like for you “it is the same old same old”? Have you cried and wept till you cannot cry anymore, or been sick and tired till you cannot be sick and tired anymore because you really do not know how to be sick and tired anymore? In 2013 the Lord is saying you have the answer to your long-term suffering. Stop wondering anymore because your lack of productivity is hidden in the fact you have been scratching the surface to what is hidden deep inside of you. There are bottlenecks to your God-given destiny.

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Make up your mind that in this New Year, you are not going to cry the same tears you cried last year or the previous years. That you are not going to climb the same mountains, not singing the same victory songs or failure songs, and that you are not going to make the same complaints. Make up your mind that you are not going to blame the same person and holding them responsible for your failures and miseries, and that you are not going to be critical of others and their dreams or visions. On the contrary, decide that you are going to rise up and call upon the Lord to revive you. Our God is a God of restoration, He revives. You have to understand that you are unique and there is no one like you walking on planet earth. Equipped with this knowledge, you will find that your God-given ability rises to great heights every time you allow God to move through you. You are not on earth to test the waters; you are here to get into the water regardless of the temperatures.


Your success in any area you are pursuing in life is dependent on who goes before you and behind you. If you are anchored in God, if your trust is in the highest God, you will surely succeed in anything you put your hands on. If the presence of God goes with you, failure is not an option. You might experience temporal failure but you will rise up, and continue in your pursuit. We must be glued to the presence of God. When we are consumed with His presence around us we becomemagnetized to Him, we see possibilities where everyone sees impossibilities, and we become full of confidence and faith. We then have no doubt that we were born to win and to succeed. When we disconnect from the Lord and choose to walk a path that His presence is absent, we become disconnected and demagnetized from Him. We are full of fears and doubts. When presented with opportunities we say, “People will laugh at me. I might lose my money and I might fail”.


We must believe in God and know that He created you and gave you the ability. Your ability does not come from the universe. We must know that if God created us with a certain talent, we are the only one He is waiting for to bring out that which He wants to see in the universe.

We were not created to pray to the universe or ask the universe to give us stuff or for it to bless us; we were created to rule the universe. The universe has no power to give that which God did not design it to give or produce. It was created, and the only one who has power over the universe is the one who created it. Let us channel our prayers to our only God and ask Him to help us, so that we can believe in Him for direction and take our rightful place of ruler-ship over the universe. Friend, many gods and prophets of great religions of the world have the power to say anything they want, but only one God has the power to say and impart what He says. And that is our God!


If you believe with all your hear that the Lord is speaking to you in this article, pleases e-mail me at or call me , at             408-833 6456       / 650 2245152, I will be glad to pray with you in agreement to allow our Father to bring change into your life. Visit our website for more information about the meeting; get in touch with us on Facebook at or twitter at

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