Saturday, September 7, 2024

Poem:Peace for Kenya-A cry from a Diaspora student

Kenya my nation, my motherland,
Of you I think even in my dreamland
For I have come to understand,
Without you then I am an empty Island
It doesn’t matter that I am in euro land
But a crucial issue is at hand
And, regardless, the nation has to stand
Now peace for Kenya is my song, and should be our greatest demand!
Let us have it at all costs, whether under demand.
And help our territories expand

I cry, yes I cry for peace
Because I have been paralyzed by war and violence; it has to cease
Just how I wish peace could be an asset to lease
But the truth is, it must be worked for, not only by the police
It must start from us within, before we get any to release
And down on my knees begging, Please! Please
Lets live in harmony, and nothing will decay, just increase!

Dearest politicians, what is it? Do you only hunger for power?
Or is it we the citizens you need to empower?
Are we that gullible for the promises you shower?
Then why do the promises fade so fast? Even faster than does a flower!
A thought of the post election violence scares me out of my skin, it makes me cower.
Victims still in the camps ,your asking them for votes makes me glower!
Because it is like adding insult to injury, when their needs you did not embower.
Is it that we rush into politics? Then let us take it slower
Lest we fall, remember the Babel tower?
Dear God help us, that each Kenyan be a wise sower.
And that our leaders be driven by  love for the nation, and not love for power.

I say let us be wise sowers; the vote be the seed, and fruit the leader.
Take time, asses, like does the weaver and the beader
Do not be deceived by the posts on facebook or twitter
But has he been a feeder of the nation or a cheater?
Don’t sell your vote, lest you be disappointed and become bitter
When the vote you sell becomes your eater
Instead, from vote buyers take off, as fast as a cheetah
So that you don’t elect a depleter
But one who will make your life better, and, of course sweeter.

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We are one as Kenyans, let us live in unity
Let us come together as a fraternity,
And we, with no doubt, can make a peaceful community
Let us not wait for leaders, but let’s all fight impunity!
To war, violence, corruption and tribalism let us have an active immunity
And for sure we will never hear of disunity
Neither will we be left out of any global opportunity
And thus, vision  2030 will be a reality.
As our motto says peace, love ,liberty and unity
Let us be  proud peaceful Kenyans till eternity.

By Elizabeth Ekakoro- In Ukrain


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