Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s aide Miguna Miguna now claims his former boss chaired ODM meetings where funds were raised to buy deadly arsenal to be used against PNU supporters in the Rift Valley.
He also said President Kibaki and Raila should be held responsible for the crimes committed during that period claiming that they bear the greatest responsibility as stated in the Rome Statute.
“So why is Raila off the hook? And even on the other side? He (Kibaki) was the commander in chief with instruments of power. What was Uhuru at the time, a mere MP for Gatundu and Chairman of KANU,” Miguna said.
He was speaking at a Nairobi Hotel during the launch of another stinging book on the PM title, Kidneys for the King: Deforming the Status Quo in Kenya.
As he made the sensational allegations, the controversial lawyer cum author declared his support for Jubilee Presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta saying he wants Raila sent permanently by voters to his rural home in Bondo..
In his new text that hit the book stalls Saturday, Miguna delves into the thorny issue of the International Criminal Court and theand the visit last October by the court’s prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.
“Later, however, as I met the investigators in Nairobi when the ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, visited Kenya in October 2012, they suddenly showed no interest “in evidence that will not help us nail the four accused persons”. They weren’t interested in any evidence against Prime Minister Raila Odinga,” Miguna writes.
“It was quite clear to me that a decision had been made (somewhere) to extend immunity to the two coalition partners. Yet I knew that under the Rome Statute, no one—not even a sitting president like al-Bashir of Sudan, was entitled to immunity. “Why are the rules being bent in the Kenyan case,” I asked myself…”
In Chapter six entitled the Rayila, the ‘Nettle sting’, he questions the academic credentials of his former boss saying: “Rayila was expelled in grade six, two years before he could sit for his KAPE. Only those who passed KAPE could proceed to secondary school. Those who passed competitive examinations in secondary school could proceed to high school. And it was only successful high school graduates who would proceed to colleges and universities,”
He adds: It’s unclear from Badejo’s book (Raila’s autobiography), the story Rayila told me, and the information in his resume if Rayila did and passed the Competitive Entrance Examination (CEE).
Source:The Standard