Friday, March 14, 2025

A call from the deep provokes a response from the deep

A call from the deep provokes a response from the deep
A call from the deep provokes a response from the deep

Just like good healthy meals are not found in a drive-through, deep and good things are not achieved without sacrifice. Those who want to develop a depth in God’s wisdom and gifts or anointing have to pay a price. Good sportsmen that desire to be the best, seek the best of the best in their trade of sports to be trained by them. They go through rigorous training, and forgo all the good parties in town to have time to train. They realize that they cannot have what they want unless they lead a life that speaks victory by action. They eat meals that speak volumes of victory, think specific thoughts, visit specific places, and say specific things. They lead a disciplined lifestyle aimed at victory. This should characterize the body of Christ today.


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Beloved of the Lord, if there was a time and season when we needed to stand and take our rightful place in spirit, it is now.  The war in the spirit is intensifying daily and we see the casualties in the physical. There is a call to us as children of the only God to respond to demonic and satanic events on the news, our families, communities and the entire world by deep intensified prayer. We need a deep and desperate cry in the spirit, which calls for a greater ability of discernment in the spirit. The spirit of discernment will point and call the enemy by name. It will point out the root cause of the demonic activity whether it is sickness, emotional hopelessness which results in depression, or marriage distress. Whatever is manifesting in your life in the physical right now has a root, a name, and its intended results. What needs to be dealt with is the root. But we need increased discernment and greater depth of the knowledge of God. There are depths or dimensions of God’s nature and his love that the Holy Spirit is inviting us to explore. There are also hidden chasms in the depths of our spirit that can only be filled with God. But we must be willing to pursue and posses that which He has freely given to us.


Why do we need greater depths at this hour? It is because superficial expressions will not touch the depths of others. The shallow is a place of superficial. The shallow is a place of comfort, and it is a place where we can hide under a false identity. It is a place where we just get excited without results. We get excited about healing but stay sick; we get excited about deliverance, but stay bound. This is because the shallow has nothing to offer, except defeat. In the shallow we cannot be victorious nor can we do greater works than Jesus did. He said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 4:12). You and I have sat through many messages in the church, but only a message that is preached from the depths can reach the depth of our hearts. If we desire to help others even ourselves, something must come or issue from our depths. We must dig deep to do the things that God has called us to. Digging deeper, praying deeper, searching the word deeper, and spending time with God in a deeper way will produces an utterance from the source which is deep. At that point, when we speak, God speaks through us from the depths. Until then, we will not touch the depths in others, even though we gain their emotions and thoughts and make them cry, happy or excited. Only deep calls unto deep!  We therefore need the holy defiance fire that says ‘enough of the shallow!’

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Let us recognize the persistent call of God that is tugging on our spirit inviting us to come closer to the Lord, and to go deeper into the things of the Spirit. Let us be hungry for more of God. In the Physical, hunger pangs originate from the blood-sugar or glycogen levels dropping in our body.  Physical hunger is accompanied with sensations such as dizziness anxiety, weakness, grumpiness a loss of concentration or mental focus. Just as physical hunger has a process that triggers it, so does the spiritual hunger. When we fail to feed our spirits with the right nourishments of food, we feel similar sensations of weakness, uncertainty, double-mindedness, and a lack of purpose or energy about life. Spiritual hunger is just as real as its physical counterpart, and can only be satisfied by an intimate encounter with a deep presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Friend, be sensitive to the spirit of the living God because throughout this week, the deep waters of God’s Spirit are calling out to fill the deep places of your heart. As the spirit of God calls you into the deep, do not ignore him or try to hide from him. This voice is the quiet, but assertive voice of God that will continually and aggressively invite you to come deeper in His love, and to yield your heart even more to the waves of His glory. Are you willing to join the many that are saying goodbye to the shallow? As you start feeling  the pull of the Holy Spirit stirring in your heart, compelling you to come closer and closer to God’s presence, I urge you to respond. There is a unique healing, deliverance, and freedom   that only takes place when you begin to practice and apply the word of God in your life. When you purpose in your heart to live in the open and transparent life with the Lord and when you allow the healing streams of God’s grace to freely flow into the deepest recesses of your soul, your heart, soul and body will be set free from the lies of your past, and you will be released to your future. Ask the Lord for increased discernment, revelation, and wisdom and ask him to use you for his glory in this generation. Do not fear man for it is not important how man sees you or what he knows about you. What matters is how the Lord sees you and what is written in the book of life about you.

Psalm 42:7, “Deep calls unto deep”


Till next time, let us be determined to leave the ordinary and tap into the extraordinary. I love you and I am praying for you.

By Evangelist Isabella Mwango

If you are in the Bay area, come visit us for our monthly prayer breakfast meeting this Saturday at 10:00am. You can write me at “” or make a comment/write a prayer request by going to “ or call us at 1-408-833-6456/1-650-224-5152.

A call from the deep provokes a response from the deep

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