Monday, March 3, 2025

Caroline Mutoko fights back, reports bloggers to the police

Radio personality Caroline Mutoko last week filed an official complaint asking police to investigate the anonymous bloggers who have linked her to the death of the late Senator Mutula Kilonzo.

Mutoko filed the complaint with the Cyber Crime Unit of the CID asking for various Kenyan websites to be investigated and criminal prosecu- tions launched against them. She said the attempt by un- known bloggers to link her to Mutula’s death was a blatant lie calculated to injure and bring her into disrepute.

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“I did not visit the deceased, I have never been to his home in my entire life, nor was I anywhere near his residence at any time as reported. This is an underhand attempt to damage my career which has taken me over 15 years to build and to undermine my international reputation,” she said. Mutoko said she was in the office until 4pm on Friday April 28, went home to collect her daughter, proceeded to ABC place, and then spent all night at home.

“This can be confirmed by the neighborhood security and every member of my house- hold,” she said. On Saturday April 19, she got the news of Mutula’s death while at a birthday party at a friend’s house with her daughter. She then visited a colleague’s father at MP Shah Hospital for most of Saturday afternoon.

“It is ridiculous that cyber terrorists and criminals are allowed free reign in Kenya. It is time for the CID and the Communications Commission of Kenya to ban and block domains and registry companies that abuse the laws of libel and common decency.

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To fabricate such a ridiculously blatant lie to hurt Mutula’s family and my image is the height of cruelty, insensitivity and madness,” Mutoko said. The offending websites have hidden their ownership details by registering through offshore domains like Turks and Caicos and used web anonymiser com- panies to block the identity of bloggers and website owners.-The Star

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