An eaglet is a ‘baby’ eagle. Bet most of you had no idea hah? Don’t worry; me neither, I had to look it up. Now, when an eaglet is hatched, they are usually fragile and they have to depend on their parents to bring them food right in the nest.
Approximately one month later, the eaglets learn how to fly and their much awaited dream to leave the nest comes to reality.
Although they can fly, they are not yet that good in hunting and they may result to scavenging on carcasses and taking meat from adult eagles.
Soon, they slowly learn how to hunt and finally become fully independent. They eventually leave that territory in search for good hunting grounds on their own as young adults.
Now that’s a story we can all relate to. Are you that eaglet? Do you feel like you need to flap your wings and fly on your own?
Have you ever been in that situation and how did it feel when you finally soared up in the sky?
Sometimes we somehow got to try our best to be independent, let us strive to do things on our own.
We don’t have to always wait for that one person to cater for each and every need that we have. If an opportunity presents itself, it’s always good to leave that moms nest.
It’s always good to practice what we have learnt, always good to leave that comfort zone. All you have to do is raise your head up high and believe that you can do it on your own.
Ezra 10:4:Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it.