As we were celebrating the Kingship of Christ, I felt somewhat vulnerable, as my wife was in night shift and we had 8 inches snow and it was dangerous to drive. I prayed that the Lord may help her to maneuver the car. When she knocked at the door I thought that it was her angel knocking. I was jubilant to see her. Most business and churches including our church were closed. On the same day it was reported that 18,000 people were evacuated from a Chinese coastal city after an oil pipeline explosion which killed at least 47 people and sent a thick black smoke billowing into the sky. So many people in Philippines are still homeless after the super typhoon which killed over 4000 people
Thus the most relevant message for us is to ponder kingship of Christ and human frailty .Today’s Gospel is about the vulnerability of Christ. Crucified between two criminal, he was mocked by his own people and the Roman soldiers. “He save others let him save himself, if he is the Christ.” Even one of the criminal who hung there hurled insult to Him. Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” Yet this time of unspeakable pain became the most reconciliatory event in human history. Luke records two statements: “Father forgive them for they do not know what there are doing.” The human respond would be Father for give them for they are idiots.” Or Father destroys them all. To the repentant thief he said: “today you will be with me in paradise.”
The great message we learn from Christ is: forgiveness and reconciliation. As Paul puts it: “God was in Christ reconciling the whole world unto himself, not counting their offences against them.”
We also learn that Jesus is the Prince of peace. In Colossians he is revealed as the Lord of the Universe who possesses all the qualities of God. The Africans name of God tells us about the substance of God which are also the attributes of Christ. He is addressed as the Great one of the Forest, The Wise one, Great Provider, The Sustainer, the Great Provider, the Being who is self existence and preeminent.
While Christ, our king possesses all these qualities, Colossians reveals him as the divine agent of creation. All things were created through, by and for Him. “For through him God created everything in heaven and on earth.” Thus all worship should be directed to God through Christ. In Him all things hold together. He reconciles the conflicting elements within self and brings families together. He has authority over the angels, celestial beings and principalities and for that reason those who are in Him should feel secured. Your daily attitude should be: “Nothing which will come on my way which God and I cannot handle.”
Like Logos, Christ is all pervasive. To use the New Testament cosmology, the cosmic Christ came from the first world; he dwelt with the people of the second world, after death he descended to third( or lower world) world, after his resurrection he ascended to the first world. “He is the first born Son who was raised from death in order that He alone might have the first place in all things.” This is why in his painful moment on the cross, he told the repentant criminal: “Today, you will be with me in paradise.”
Thus when we are in Christ, we are assured that we have victory over death. Death is self defeating. It opens endless life with God where we will experience perfect love, perfect peace and perfect joy. So, we have nothing to fear even the fear itself. This is what Jesus says: “I am a good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” When the fear knock at your door pray with David: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.” When anxiety invades your mind: knock it down with the words of the Psalmist: The Lord is my life and my salvation- whom shall fear? The Lord is the strong hold of my life- of whom shall be afraid?”
Copyright: Dr. John G Githiga
All Nations Christian Church International
P.O. Box 19805, Amarillo, TX 79114