Someone once said that we should be more concerned with our character rather than our reputation because our character is what we really are, while our reputation is merely what others think we are. Character is defined as the way someone thinks, feels and behaves while reputation is the estimation in which a man is generally held.
There is a difference between character and reputation in fact reputation can be seen as what we are supposed to be, while character is who we really are. Reputation is what you have when you come to a new community while character is what you have when you go away.
Therefore, a good reputation exists because it is a reflection of a personโs character. So we should work on our character, and our reputation will take care of itself. The best way to improve our character is to live in the awareness of Godโs presence and will for us.
Romans 5:3-4ย “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.โ
Someone once said that we should be more concerned with our character rather than our reputation because our character is what we really are, while our reputation is merely what others think we are. Character is defined as the way someone thinks, feels and behaves while reputation is the estimation in which a man is generally held.
There is a difference between character and reputation in fact reputation can be seen as what we are supposed to be, while character is who we really are. Reputation is what you have when you come to a new community while character is what you have when you go away.
Therefore, a good reputation exists because it is a reflection of a personโs character. So we should work on our character, and our reputation will take care of itself. The best way to improve our character is to live in the awareness of Godโs presence and will for us.
Romans 5:3-4ย “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.โ