Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Lawmakers Accused of Criminal Offense Should Resign

Lawmakers Accused of Criminal Offense Should Resign
Lawmakers Accused of Criminal Offense Should Resign

Kenyans are increasingly becoming disgruntled by dimwitted leadership exhibited by members of the 11th parliament. Most lawmakers continue to break the law with impunity. A few examples suffice. Recently, Rangwe MP Mr. George Oner was charged with fraud.

Bahati MP Mr. Kimani Ngunjiri assaulted a police officer. He stands indicted. Lari MP Mr. Joseph Mburu was arraigned in court for violation of traffic rules and aggravated assault against a police officer. Additionally, about 5 other lawmakers are alleged to be drug traffickers.

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These accusations are injurious to the credibility of our leaders. When contextualized in the light of professional integrity and ethical conduct, such accusations are grounds enough for dismissal from employment as stipulated in chapter six of the constitution.

In my opinion, un-ethical behavior which is predisposed to criminal offense should never be tolerated in professional environment. It impedes delivery of services to ordinary citizens, propagates conducive environment for impunity and encourages inefficiency.

Lawmakers are supposed to protect the constitution to which they swore. They should also abide by the rule of laws they make. In that perspective, I believe Rangwe MP Mr. George Oner, Bahati MP Mr. Kimani Ngunjiri and Lari MP Mr. Joseph Mburu have failed integrity test and should resign or at least step aside pending the hearing of their cases.

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If they can’t agreeably resign, guardians of our moral and legal conscience including The Law Society of Kenya (LSK), Kituo Cha Sheria, religious institutions and The Civil Society should study circumstances under-which above lawmakers are accused and determine whether there exists sufficient evidence to institute a legal procedure that will terminate their roles.

Further, the Office of the Ombudsman which inquires into “any conduct…alleged or suspected to be…improper” should move expeditiously and investigate ethical conduct and integrity of the above mentioned lawmakers with intent of removing them from office. For when the lawmakers breaks the law they make, the society breaks into chaos.

By Jacktone Ambuka. Twitter: @JackAmbuka.

Lawmakers Accused of Criminal Offense Should Resign

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