Sunday, September 22, 2024

Unique names found in kenya, what the owners feel about them

Unique names found in kenya, what the owners feel about them
Unique names found in kenya, what the owners feel about them: Photo/South Africa Town With Kenyan Names

Now are you comfortable with your name? And do you as parents ever find yourselves regretting having given a particular name to your child?

In our news- ender tonight ktn’s Najma Ismail takes a look at some of the unique names found in kenya and what the owners of the names feel about them.

What are some of the unique names you know and the meaning?Comment below.

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Common Kamba names and their meaningsย 

Kenya is an Eastern Africa country known for its diverse wildlife conservancies, national parks, scenic landscapes, and world class athletes.

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The country also has a rich culture with various ethnic groups with different languages. For this reason, the country has various tribes with different names. The Kamba community is one of these tribes with the varied Kamba names.

A parent should always check if the name is appropriate for the gender of the child. Some names are common and could be shared by both male and female children. However, some are strictly for the boy or girl child.

The Kamba people are very particular about the names they give on their children. They believe that names have specific traits and anybody with the particular name will bear it.

A name that honor and preserve their cultural heritage is also common among the Kamba. Most first names are western and the second is usually about the circumstances that surround the birth of the child.

Kamba names Kamba girl names are very important in the community, sometimes you need to say the second name as part of an introduction. Most people do not feel complete when they have non-ethic names.

Some even make variations of the name to make them suitable for their tribes.Traditional Kenyan communities also use matronym in their names.The use of matronyms comes from the practice of polygamy.

Using a motherโ€™s name is significant, because the father needs to know which wife is the mother to which child. If youโ€™re need unique and beautiful Kamba names, you are in the right place.

This article has an excellent collection of Kamba male names and girl names to make your children unique.

When the country was still a colony, the Akamba were noted by the British and intelligent, were praised for their fighting ability, and were recruited into the British army.

In this article, we will look at a brief history of the Kamba people and Kamba names.You will learn how the community names their children and have a laugh at some of their funny names.

Read more:ย


Unique names found in kenya, what the owners feel about them

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