Prayer is our form of conversing with our heavenly Father. We need to realize it’s not a formula however we need to use a method to freshen up our prayer time. We can pray the Psalms or other Scriptures in his word. There is a method we can also use: the ACTS method (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication).
There is also another guide we can use when praying for others. When we fold our hands the thumb nearest you can represent people who are closest to you. Start with your loved ones. The index finger is the pointer, pray for those who teach e.g., Pastors and Bible scholars. The next finger is the tallest and it reminds us to pray for those in authority over us e.g. national and local leaders including our employers.
The fourth finger represents those who are in trouble or suffering so we should pray for them to be encouraged. The little finger reminds us of our smallness in relation to God’s greatness we should therefore be grateful for what we have including presenting our needs to Him. Whatever method we use let us remember God wants to hear what is in our hearts.
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”
1st John 5:14