Happy Easter to you!
I just received an empowerment message from Dr Cindy Trimm and was encouraged to share it with you.
I hope it blesses you, that you may also live by Christ’s resurrection power.
My dear friends,
Easter is a time that not only reminds us of the love that God has for humanity, but also that He is the God of impossibilities. Regardless of the circumstances you’re facing this week, let Christ’s death and resurrection assure you that you can trust God’s promises. Jesus promised His disciples that He would return—and after three days in the grave, He arose. His resurrection should assure you that God is able to:
- Reverse the seemingly irreversible.
- Change the seemingly unchangeable.
- Overcome the seemingly insurmountable.
- Solve the seemingly unsolvable.
- Restore that which seemingly cannot be restored.
Because He is Risen Angels and disciples declared: “He is risen!” The word “declare” comes from the Greek word ginosko, which means, “to know.” In the New Testament, it is the intimate knowledge that expresses personal experience—what we call “revelation”—not just an intellectual awareness. These three words—He is risen—brought comfort, encouragement, and hope to the disciples—and they can bring comfort, encouragement and hope to you. Christ promised that after three days He would return—and He did exactly that. Christ’s credibility is eternally secured. Therefore you can trust Him in all things. “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why we utter the Amen through him, to the glory of God.” – 2 Corinthians 1:20 In addition, when Christ was resurrected, He was raised to a realm of dominion and intercession. God does a work in you, to do a work through you.
In this season, God is raising up intercessors: Those who have committed themselves to a life of prayer so that they can have throne-room power. When Jesus was resurrected, He ascended into the throne-room, “…who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us” (Romans 8:34). Since you are crucified with Christ, you must also assume your place of dominion through prayer and intercession. Never forget that the same power that resurrected Jesus from the grave is the very same power at work in you. We can surmise that the real treasure is the resurrection life of Jesus Christ within each of us.
You may be under tremendous pressure, filled with perplexities and confusion. You may have been abandoned, struck down, stigmatized, marginalized, attacked, or ostracized, but God has not forsaken you. You may be knocked down, but the power of God within you can put you back on your feet. Has your faith died? Do not give up! Even if you have been beaten down by circumstances, you will rise again. According to Romans 8:11, the Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you! During this Easter season be reminded that Christ’s resurrection changes everything. It puts all of life in perspective. It brings a confident hope for the future and shows God’s incomparable power and glory.
Praying that God will display His resurrection power through you,
Dr Cindy Trimm