Monday, February 24, 2025

Easter is over but the conflict rages on

Easter  is over but the conflict rages on
Easter is over but the conflict rages on

The news headlines are saturated with accounts of the perilous times in which we live: Russia invades Ukraine, North Korea threatens South Korea, civil war in Ethiopia, ongoing tensions between Israel and the Palestinians. Wars and rumors of wars are staples of every day life. This is exactly as Jesus Christ predicted the condition of the world would be just prior to His second coming (Matthew 24:4-15). Men and women are uneasy about the economic uncertainties that continue to confront them. They are amazed at the moral declension and disrespect for authority that pervades society.  No place on earth is immune from the disturbances in nature and the spreading of pestilence and disease. These all are converging into a stupendous crisis of apocalyptic proportions. Yet millions are deceived by false prophets (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

Either ignored or unknown to most of humanity, is the severity of the ultimate crisis in the controversy over the law of God versus the tradition of man. John the Revelator foretells it thus: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17). He then goes on to give us the intriguing  details of that controversy in  chapters 13 & 14 of the same book. According to the Beloved apostle, the central issue in this final conflict in the Drama of the Ages is God’s 7th day Sabbath versus man’s tradition of Sunday sacredness.

What will your response be to this crisis that is well on its way? On whose side will you stand: the God of creation or the son of perdition? The issue is infinitely beyond choosing a day of worship. It is verily about who you worship. It is a matter pregnant with eternal consequences.

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Making the Right Decision
The book,

is a simple, systematic study of end-time prophecy which examines the conflict between God’s law and man’ tradition. The volume traces the Sabbath vs Sunday controversy from the perspectives of the Bible, history, and contemporary world affairs. It explores the attempted change of God’s law and brings to the forefront the great end-time struggle between God’s law and man’s tradition. More importantly, God’s Sabbath Truth provides the information you need to help you make the right decision as you confront the final conflict in the Drama of the Ages.

Easter is over but the conflict rages on

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