Local businessman, David Kiarie claims his life is in danger following reports that he made Sh175 million overnight. Mr Kiarie was reported to have raked in the millions, from selling 5000 speed governors for Sh 40,000 each.
The proprietor of Dalcom Enterprise, says his life has become a nightmare, as he can no longer stay in the office to transact business or walk into his local pub for a drink. The lives of his close family members have also changed drastically, with folks looking to have a share of his overnight wealth, marching to his rural home in Kajiado to greet the new ‘millionaire’.
“I have never made that kind of money. Since the news was made, people, including cartels and prostitutes, have been calling me. Even my bank where I took the loan to start up the business has joined the chase. It wants to know why the turnover is not reflected on my account,” Kiarie told Nairobian newspaper.
A distraught Mr Kiarie, has been forced to switch off his phone which has been bogged down with calls from curious people, locally and abroad. He fears he and his family are potential kidnap victims.
“The matter has affected the whole of my family. Some people are even going to my rural home. I can’t even go to my office. If I made Sh175 million, I would not be suffering in this town. I would be in Europe,” said Kiarie.
According to him, the profit margin is Sh4,000 per speed governor and there are three directors in the business with employees to pay. “I used to drink in local and ordinary bars, but now I can’t go there because I will be killed. Criminals are trailing me under the false belief that I have money. We even went to the bank to set the record straight,” he added.
Speed Governor” Claims Life in Danger After Sh175 Million Report