Those people who attended Kenyan boarding schools have tales of the first day in school. No matter the experience, the Kenya boarding High School remains the best thing to happen to young people since independence. If there is a successful program that can be assigned to Kenyatta’s administration, it is the Kenya education system. The idea of bringing young people from all walks of life and dumping them in the same dorm is priceless. It is here that tribalism could be defeated!
That said, bullying is taught to us in high school. After being dropped at Kijabe high school with my suitcase, my father drove off. It was time for me to walk alone to the dorm. Just before I got to the door, some form four characters approached me. I used to have an Afro. Michael Jackson influence, I would say. These two characters from Nyeri approached me and told me in Kikuyu to shake my head. This I did thinking something was walking on my hair. Then they asked me a question I will never forget, “ . . . how many dogs do you have in your head?” Dogs in my head? I am pastor’s kid so I did not get it. They opened my suitcase and ate the chapatis my sisters had packed! That was devastating. I had been monolized and ready for any insult. Yet I still loved high school boarding! The best experience ever.
When the other jokers came the next year! It was my turn. I made this character sleep on the top bed of the Double Decker. I took the lower bed. At around 3am, I felt wetness on my face. I thought maybe the window was open, only to find out that the joker on top was one of those who wet their beds. The wet stuff on my face was his makojoo! I got up and with the help from my buddies, we made the joker get his mattress and all his belonging. He slept outside in the rain. That cleaned him up!
After graduation, we grow out of that. But apparently Maina and King’angi have yet to be circumcised from childish days! These guys think they are still in high school. I have been in broadcasting since I was twenty and the microphone is not the place for childish monolizing. Maina and King’angi talk on classic 105 is nothing but high school dorm talk. We sat around in the dorm and discussed girls. It is pathetic that with all the major issues going on in Kenya, the only thing that can come from the minds of these idle talkers is whether a man should invite his lover to his home for Christmas! Sadly many western media and liberals celebrate them: to push their agenda!
What is sad is that the only people who call their show seem to be the prostitutes on Koinange Street and drunkards leaving Kengeres. It is true these guys love Las Vegas, Nevada: a place where prostitutes are allowed to advertise for their services. Kenya is not Las Vegas. If Maina and King’angi want to promote Gay and Lesbian agenda, maybe they should move to California. Just because they have a microphone, they should not be allowed to bully our innocence! This kind of bullying is a dangerous trend in the Kenyan Media and I am glad the Media Council is finally taking action.
Teddy Njoroge Kamau (PhD) HTBluff Associates #HTBluff