Saturday, September 7, 2024

Alfred Mutua:My Road is Perfect-Those PHOTOS are Fake

Machakos County Governor, Dr. Alfred Mutua has jumped to the defence of his new groundbreaking road. For the longest time, the governor has been making headlines for all the right reasons and has enjoyed the admiration of many for his incredible work.

However, he has come under fire in recent times after photos of the new 33 km road built in 3 months surfaced, showing the road in dilapidated conditions.

On Monday, the governor through social media rubbished those claims as propaganda and termed the photos as fake.

The post read:

Can those spreading propaganda & fake photos of the 33 km Kithimani to Makutano ma Mwala road please take a PERSONAL drive & videotape/ film it.

They should also talk to engineering experts and to residents served by the road.

The road is perfect, has a strong base and double seal chippings with bitumen. Those criticizing it are clearly part of an orchestrated campaign and do not understand road construction.

Our message: we will continue serving the people of Machakos with deligence, squeezing every shilling so as to give more to our people who have languished in poverty for years.

We are in a new Kenya. We will not be cowed. We have just started! Service to the people.


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