Friday, July 26, 2024

Uhuru, Ruto Expected at National Prayers

Uhuru, Ruto Expected at National Prayers
Uhuru, Ruto Expected at National Prayers

President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto are expected to attend a national day of prayer Saturday at Uhuru Park, the same venue where the opposition hosts its Saba Saba rally on Monday.

Thousands of worshippers are expected to attend the inter-faith prayers to seek divine intervention amidst tension and open political rivalry between the ruling Jubilee Alliance and the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (Cord).

Retired president Daniel arap Moi, MPs, senators and diplomats are expected to attend.

The organisers of the event said Friday the session will provide a platform for the multitudes to intercede as they seek God’s intervention and guidance on the socio-political challenges facing the nation.

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The prayers, that kick off at 8.30am, were organised by the Inter-Religious Council of Kenya in conjunction with the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

The theme of the prayers is “May We Dwell In Unity”.

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Meanwhile, a group of Kenyan church leaders from the diaspora have petitioned former Prime Minister and Cord leader Raila Odinga to abandon his “threats to spark an ‘Arab Spring’ mass movement in Kenya”.

The preachers said Kenya had borne the brunt of mass action in the past which led to loss of lives and destruction of property and would not want to see a repeat.

“We send this petition to plead to your better sense of political judgment to choose the way of peace and national reconciliation over the political differences you and your alliance partners may have with the ruling establishment in Kenya,” the preachers said in a joint communique.

The clergymen said while there was need to push for greater political freedom in the country, it must be done in an orderly manner that does not destroy the achievements made so far.

“Mass action will not improve the already tattered tourism industry, reverse the fatalities or heal the injuries caused by terror attacks on the innocent,” the group said.

Uhuru, Ruto Expected at National Prayers

President Uhuru Kenyatta (R) with his deputy William Ruto. The two leaders are expected to attend a national day of prayer Saturday at Uhuru Park. PHOTO | DIANA NGILA | FILE

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