Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kenyan in Germany starts a Radio program

Popular Kenyan Radio Presenter Commits Suicide
Kenyan in Germany starts a Radio program

The Internet and Technology age has opened up a lot of avenues for media and individuals to share good content in convenient ways. Today you don’t have to press your ear close to a physical radio while you turn the knob left and right looking for your favorite station. Neither do you have to adjust some TV aerial to watch your favorite program or bang it gently to scare off any roaches interfering with reception J

With the explosive use of smart phones there are so many ways to access information.

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At the click of a button, on a hand held device, you can tune in to your favorite programs, interact with the radio presenter and even participate on the show without dialing long distance phone numbers.

Enter New Media.

Radio on demand is revolutionizing how we listen to our favorite stations across the globe. You are also about to profit from this new, popular, growing and unstoppable trend.

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Here´s how…

With less than 3 months to 2015 I hope you didn´t lose track of the goals and plans you made between December 31 2013 and on January 2014. Maybe you previously read some of my articles here and wondered what happened to the motivational blog posts about achieving your goals, following your dreams and balanced success?

Well, I have been walking my talk. Focused on achieving some 2014 goals. Practicing what I preach and taking small steps in the direction of my dreams and objectives. As Albert Einstein said; insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results. “So what”, you’re wondering “Where is this going?”  Read on…It’s all about you being motivated in a different way, so you see different results and achieve your objectives.

As a speaker, author and certified Life Coach am passionate about helping people achieve their personal and professional goals and am always looking for different, effective and convenient ways to inspire you. That’s why am so excited to be sharing a new radio show that will not only entertain you, but encourage  and inform you in an easy, mobile  and different way.

Tune in weekly to Live By Design Inspiration Radio for inspiring stories and interviews with business strategists, personal development experts, thought leaders and influencers on various topics.

Join me and be inspired on –the- go just by clicking play on a media player directly on your smart phone. When you’re stuck in traffic, jogging, ironing, cooking, at the gym, on a flight or walking the dog J You can also listen on your desk top or laptop. No adjusting aerials searching FM or AM channels. No missing any episode because you were working. No waiting for large files to download on your PC. It’s all On -Demand – Media on your iPhone, iPad, Android or PC. You can stream live or subscribe on iTunes, the most popular online media portal.  Or download archived episodes and interviews for future listening. And all this at zero cost. The pros of the Internet and Technology age!

To get a taste of what’s to come, listen to episode # 1 here  Then be sure to subscribe on my website so you don´t miss a single episode. Have a great weekend and enjoy the show!

Your host, Nancy Gathecha

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Kenyan in Germany starts a Radio program

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