Friday, July 26, 2024

Chanting Youths Kill Four in Mombasa

Chanting Youths Kill Four in Mombasa
Chanting Youths Kill Four in Mombasa

Four people were killed and several others injured on Monday night as marauding youths armed with knives, machetes and crude weapons attacked residents in Kisauni, Mombasa County.

The youths, aged between 15 and 25 years and who were shouting religious chants, indiscriminately attacked passers-by and motorists, causing havoc along Old Malindi Road towards Bamburi.

By Monday night, there were three bodies of the Kisauni chaos’ victims at Coast Provincial General Hospital.

Forty-two-year old Joshua Muteti was hacked to death while at the Mtopanga Post Office stage, where he had gone to see off friends who had earlier visited his home.

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A group of about 12 hooded young men attacked him as his wife and three other visitors scampered for safety.

“They slashed my brother several times on the left arm and head as his wife watched from a close distance. He bled and died on the spot as the gang advanced to other areas,” Mr Abubakar Omar told the Nation at the hospital where the body of his brother was taken.

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He said the youths had their faces covered and carried a black flag and were chanting “Takbir Allahu Akbar”.

He added that his brother, a casual labourer, had been ailing and his friends had just paid him a visit before he met his attackers.

“He told his wife there was no need for her to cry since they had already prayed for him, asking her to let him rest in peace before he died,” Mr Omar said.

Another victim was attacked at 8.30pm at his shop in Barsheba.

According to a close relative, Fadhili Juma Yuyu was stabbed twice in the chest while trying to close his shop when the rowdy youths got him.

“He was stabbed after he tried restraining the youths from looting from his shop,” said the relative.

He was rushed to Sayyida Fatimah Hospital, where he died.


Another victim, a young man in his late 20s, was among passengers who narrowly escaped death after their matatu travelling from Bamburi was stopped by a gang of 10 armed young men in Bakarani.

Mr Samuel Ziro told the Nation he was heading back home after meeting with his boss in Bamburi when the youths attacked their matatu.

“We saw some matatus deviating from the normal route to town and our driver halted as about 10 young men surrounded us, breaking the windows of the matatu.

“Some of those in the matatu started praying as everybody tried to use the nearest exit out of the besieged vehicle,” Mr Ziro said.

He was hit as he left the matatu and asked to sit on the ground as others escaped.

“They tried to strike my head with a machete and I blocked it with my right hand. They asked my name. I had to think fast, (and said) ‘I am Omar,’” he said.

Mr Ziro said one of the attackers suggested that they torch him using petrol but as they debated, he managed to take off.

“I held my cut arm with my left hand as I made my way through the narrow alleys as the young men trailed me behind. They threw a club at me but missed and I went into hiding, It went quiet but after some time I took my phone to call my brothers, who came and took me to hospital,” he recalled.


The Monday night attacks came just hours after police arrested 251 youths from two mosques during an early morning security operation, in which one person was shot dead.

Police said they recovered an assortment of arms in the raid, including six hand grenades, two pistols and six rounds of ammunition, machetes, swords and knives and gunpowder.

Chanting Youths Kill Four in Mombasa

Chanting Youths Kill Four in Mombasa

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