Tuesday, March 4, 2025

All Things Love & Relationships

All Things Love & Relationships
All Things Love & Relationships
“Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible – it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.”Barbara de Angelis


So in February the LiveByDesignRadio theme was “All Things Relationships.”

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We started with episode #16 looking at what love has got to do with your business. And why its so important to focus on SERVICE 1st before SALES if you want to grow your business.


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Valentines Day was the interview with Stephan. If you know someone single or a parent of daughters, you may want to listen and share this interview on episode # 17


Episode #18 was our hadithi edition. I shared the story about the 20 dollar bill and what that has to do with your self love, and self esteem. Tune in and discover why your beliefs and self-worth maybe a stopping you from ever being. You know those folks who find it hard to acknowledge your progress and success Pastor Isaac? On this episode I talk about what to do about those who don´t clap when you win. Also, if you are in business you will hear what to do about people who always want to bargain or even want your services and products for free…


We wrapped up with episode #19 with a great interview with the power couple and authors of The 5 Star Marriage, Edward & Debbie Smith. Tune and discover how to bring back the loving feeling into your relationships. And one thing you should do in the dating phase that will help you have less fights when you DO get married. I believe you will get that loving feeling after listening to all or one of these episodes.


*BTW* did you know you can easily download the episodes on your mobile phone or computer and listen later? You can download in an Internet Cafe, at work or where ever you have access to bandwidth. You can also stream all of them here with the Libsyn media player. Or compile your playlist with the soundcloud media player here.


The IAT Principle ™ – Love Yourself

              Inspiration + Application = Transformation.™



“Don´t forget to love yourself.” Soren Kierkegaard


So who is the special person am in love with? Well, for starters myself! I know. I know. Not exactly what you were expecting. But hey, if you don´t love yourself 1st how can you even love another person? As it is written, “Love they neighbor AS you love yourself”.


People who lack a healthy self-love also have a problem accepting love from others and even loving people or believing that God actually loves them. He loves you as you are. Whether you are bald, overweight, have a notre dame nose, skinny legs or have done some horrid things. You, dear Pastor Isaac are allowed to love yourself.


Now there is a healthy self-love. Then there is the obnoxious, narcissistic one. That’s not what am advocating. As talked about in the story of episode #18when you love yourself, *in a healthy way* you don´t abuse your body. And you certainly don´t stay in toxic, non-supportive, abusive relationships. You don´t go looking for love and validation in the wrong places, being a people pleaser so others will love and accept you. You also value your gifts and talents and don´t let others exploit you and undervalue your work and business.


When you have a sense of self worth you set healthy boundaries and treat the person who lives in your skin with tender love and care. It´s starts with believing you are a valuable person. Did you know God thought you are so lovable He gave His Son for you? It´s OK for you to love yourself.

In fact let me challenge you to look yourself in the mirror and say “I love myself” out loud… Then take it a step further and say and “And God loves me”  Repeat if you feel uncomfortable. I promise it will do something for you.


I´d be curious to know how that simple excercise felt…


Meanwhile remain the valuable, love-able person you are. I for one value you as my reader. I appreciate you taking time to read my tips and share your feedback. So until next time,


Blessings & Success,

By Nancy Gathecha

All Things Love & Relationships

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