Detectives from the anti-terror police unit on Monday grilled two journalists from a local television station over an investigative story that exposes security lapses at the GSU headquarters.
K24 TV investigative reporter Purity Mwambia, Swahili Managing Editor Frankline Wambugu and a driver were arrested at their offices along Kijabe street while compiling an expose ‘Bweta La Uhalifu’ which was supposed to air Monday night.
The trio were working on a story on how they easily made their way into GSU headquarters in Ruaraka with an improvised explosive device, which later exploded in Ruiru, using a Peugeot Car they had bought.
Police were worried that if the expose was allowed to air it could be a mockery to them especially now that the country is on high alert following Al-Shabaab’s occasional attacks.
The journalists were asked to explain how they got the explosives that they were using in the story.